Monday, June 11, 2012

June Thoughts for the Day:

Sometimes you have to take the heat when you are in exhile in order to keep moving forward

The only way you can earn God's respect is to trust Him.

God made man in His image, not to BE Him, but to be LIKE Him.

It's not what you have to go through in this life, it is how you go through it. For Christians, this life is the only hell we will have to endure.

You should never let anyone get away with sin in your household. If you do, you are breeding drama and broken hearts into your life.

If you want to please God, you can't do underhanded things to hide your sin

Sometimes your kindnesses can be mistaken for contempt. When someone answers your kindness with contempt, stand your ground. The Lord will be on your side in any struggles you have to endure because of it.

God always answers prayer. He always gives the little things first, when you ask, or when He knows you need it. If you can show Him that you are grateful and praise Him with the little things, the big things are SURE to come!

Think of some of the bad things that have happened in your life. Now think of the people who are your friends now because of them. Think really hard. Do you really wish those bad things had never happened? Would you really trade the friends who you KNOW are true friends for a better time? God puts us where HE wants us, so we can be who HE wants us to be around the people HE wants us around.

God will bless you and keep you as you walk forward, without fear, trusting in Him.

The truth is, life IS fair. God is fair and God gave you life, to do with it as you will. Therefore, if life is not fair, it is because YOU make it that way. Life is what you make it.

It is okay to question God, as long as you accept God's answer.

When you choose to follow God, you choose to let Him use you as He wills. You will never be comfortable outside of the will of God.

When we think we know all, we are failures of the worst kind because we don't allow ourselves the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.

A professional is an amateur that didn't quit. -- Richard Bach

If you touch God the wrong way, you can expect His destructive temper to break forth.


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