Tuesday, September 04, 2012

September Prayer Requests

I'm in here with 7 broken ribs, had a mishap at work, send me some of them good ol' prayers — at Christus St Micheals. -- Ricky E. Hill

Everyone keep James in your prayers.... he has been having alot of problems with migraines these past few months, been to the hospital several times for them.... also he has to make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist for his back, due to him having alot of pain in his back, side and legs along with numbness in his legs. They think it has to do with his previous back surgery. We are really worried about it as he was told if he was not careful he could paralyze himself.... so we are really concerned.... prayers are much appreciated! Thank you!!! -- Kerri Beth Martin Fedd

plz remember my mom today as she has cataract surgery...I also have an uncle in TX that is recuping from a recent motorcycle wreck...thank you and thank the good Lord above:) -- Melissa McRae Hughes

Please pray for Mary, the email list/group owner for Hope4America as she gets knee surgery today.

Normally I wouldn't ask this but after two days of Urgent care and ER visits I'm needing some prayer... Apparently I am having an allergic reaction to penicillin and it's excruciating and hasn't gotten much better. I'm fighting not having to go back to the ER tonight & im covered head to toe in hives ... please pray I have some relief soon... I worked today and Im not sure how... Tomorrows another day.. Hopefully a better day ...--Crista Glover Ponder

After thowing up most of the last 2 days i will be calling in sick & trying to see me dr i have not had alot of sleep these last 2 days & need something for the nausea. hope he has time to see me today. please pray he can do something to make me better soon! thanks :) hope yall have a great day -- Carla Campbell Kirkham

Please pray for my finances as I try to keep my head above the debt ocean water. -- Shonda Ponder

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