Please keep Blake Hickman in your prayers, he is my daughter's boyfriend and was involved in a car accident this morning. He was transferred to Mercy Hospital in Hot Springs with a head injury, he is alert and doing good as of an hour ago, very tramatic for him and his family, nothing worse than to know your child is in pain. It is only by the grace of an amazing God that his injuries weren't more severe. So proud of my daughter, she has held up pretty good, she will be a great doctor one day. --Narda Joyce Launius
They are admitting Sera into the hospital...They will be keeping her for a couple of days. She, apparently, has diabetes....and, when they checked her the last time it was a little over 400....keep her in your prayers, please. -- Brenda Brashear Pettis (Sera is home).
Angie Jeffirs Piers needs prayers for her health and finances.
Requesting prayers for my unborn grandson Stetson and his parents. The doctor found something on the back of his neck and is sending my daughter in law to a specialist. -- Jerita Hughes Batchelor
I just wanted to say thanks for all the prayers for my mom,she was released from the hospital today and is resting at home.It's going to be a long road of healing but she has God on her side.And our God is an awesome God!!! -- Big Craig Rains
One of my best friend's is slipping away from us. He is losing his battle with cancer. We have been with the family all day today and will be as long as necessary. Our hearts are broken. Please lift Mike and Penny Longan and their family up in prayer. --Mary McCarty Sumner
Becky Melton's cousin Rusty is in ICU undergoing tests.
Vikki Clark-Looper needs prayer for her leg that has been giving her problems.
John Sabo's mom is in the hospital with bladder infection and chest pains. Please pray for her.
24 hours later: Thank God for a GREAT update on Hayley; The beginning of day 5: Hayley is making a miraculous recovery. All tubes are gone. She’s been able to hold her precious newborn, Jackson. Talking, joking, and showing her beautiful smile and laugh. Eating jello and broth. Hayley Jane, please remember that you don’t have to be super mommy…you need your rest:) Lots of people love you & and will continue to support you.
-- Melissa McRae Hughes
12 hours later: Praise God!! According to Charles Smith, Hayley's husband:
They have finally taking the tubes out of Hayley's throat. I was able to sit and talk to her 30 min.. she looks so much better.. I'm so thankful for all the prayers. -- Melissa McRae Hughes
24 hours later: Hayley's bleeding has stopped, She isn't on any pain medicine & her kidneys are functioning normal. The doctor doesn't feel comfortable taking the ventilator out yet. They have ordered more test for in the morning. We appreciate everyone's prayers. Please continue to pray for Hayley.
By ten o'clock she was alert and talking. Praise God!
I dont care what kind of beef anyone else may have with God, nobody can convince me that prayer doesn't work. Haley was gone for 35 minutes. She isn't supposed to be asking for something to eat. God worked a miracle for all of us to see.
Melissa McRae Hughes said:
That is true! When Hayley's terrible ordeal started they had 8 minutes to deliver the baby. Although she needed CPR, they had the mindset and God given ability to save the baby. Then they worked on her for 30 minutes. I was told the dr. could have easily pronounced her dead after 20 minutes without success. Thank God they continued the CPR! Since going on the ventilator, she has continually gotten better and doing so well now that they may remove her breathing tube today. She's fully breathing on her own, has been mouthing words, hugging, squeezing hands, and answering questions. Her lab results have been coming back good now. More miracles of God after being dead for longer than what is known by man to receive brain damage! Praise God! Praise God! and thanks to all the doctors, nurses, blood donors, and prayer warriors!! Baby Jackson is also a handsome miracle baby that's doing well and seems to be healthy--at a birth weight of 8lbs 9 oz
Update for Hayley: She woke up out of her coma shortly before two. She was trying to move and communicate by nodding. She was still breathing with help, but doing better: by five she was breathing on her own. She still needs prayer for a full recovery, but God has been so good so far! KEEP PRAYING!
Update for those praying for Hayley Jane Smith. Her husband said that her blood pressure is stable. They are also reducing her oxygen to get her to breath on her own. I know my God works miracles and this is a miracle. Hayley is a fighter!! Keep praying ;)
Haley Jane Smith is currently in a coma, having suffered from an amniotic pulmonary embalism, and is on life support. Her baby is fine. She is currently in need of more blood. Anyone can donate and if it's not the right blood type, they will do a trade so your donation is NOT wasted. Your blood will be used on someone else who needs it, and Hayley will still get hers. Please help if you can, and PLEASE KEEP PRAYING!
Please pray for my sister Hayley. She was induced last night and I don't know any of the details right now, but she has been put on life support. I know God has control of everything! Please pray for my sister & her baby -- Lisa Marie Hodge
Becky Melton's dad is in the hospital with possible heart problems.
Please keep my family in your prayers, one of my family members is sick and in the hospital -- Vikki Clark-Looper (It's good to hear she is doing better, keep praying)
I would like to ask all of my friends to pray for my Pastor, Brother Matthew C. Butler. He and his family are being attacked on all fronts by the master attacker, Satan. He needs all the prayer he can get for the strength to keep up the good fight.