David ordered Joab to go and take a census of Israel and Judah. Although Joab protested, he did so. (It is important to note here that God set specific rules in place for numbering the people. Each person numbered was supposed to pay the equivalent of $182.00 to God. If this law is not followed, God promised plague.)
It took nine months and twenty days to finish the work of counting all of the people. Then, David repented of having counted them, knowing that numbers are unimportant to God. God has never used large armies to defeat large enemies.
God gave David a choice between three punishments: He could have seven years of famine, or he could be a fugitive from his enemies for three months, or he could have 3 days of plague. David wanted to get the punishment over with, so he chose the three days of plague (which served to allow God to keep His promise. God knew David was going to choose three days over three months or seven years).
When the Angel of the Lord was by Aruanah’s (a Jebusite king) threshing place, he raised his hand to destroy Jerusalem with the plague, but God said, “No. That is enough. Enough people are dead.” David saw him and cried out, “WHY! Why kill all these people when it was I who sinned? Kill my family and me instead!” The prophet, Gad, told him to build an altar there at the threshingfloor in order to stay the plague. So David started walking toward it.
Araunah came out to enquire what was wrong, and what did David need? David told him, “I need to buy your threshingfloor to build an altar to God to offer a sacrifice so He will stop the plague in Israel.” Aruanah said, “David, you can have it. I’ll even give you the animal to sacrifice. You don’t have to pay me anything.” But David said, “No. I want to pay you for it. I would never offer a sacrifice to God that didn’t cost me something.” So David paid Aruanah the equivalent of $364.00 for the right to offer a sacrifice on his threshingfloor.
What I have learned:
A sacrifice is thought of, by most people, as some animal you kill and burn as a gift to God. But, the truth is, God wants to know what you are willing to give up in order to do the right thing – the right thing being following God’s laws. This is why Samual told Saul (in 1st Samual 5:22) “to obey is better than sacrifice.”
When Jesus came, he made all of us kings and priests of our own lives, under God, in God’s kingdom – our goal being to bring others into the Kingdom of God where we are all kings and priests. To do this, we must be the same example for others that Christ was for us. Christ gave his life. What will you give?
Whatever you give, it has to be the best you’ve got. God doesn’t like second-hand gifts or leftovers. God wants your assurance that you have the faith to believe and understand that He is your provider. If whatever sacrifice or offering you make means nothing to you, then it means nothing to God. In return, if you give to God with your whole heart, (be it your time, your money or your provisions) He has promised to bless you.
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