Even though we have to pay for the sins that are committed, the payment will be a lot easier to bear if we turn back to God. He may even shorten the punishment.
God doesn’t want any compromise. You either do it His way, or you will face the consequences.
When you have a talent and you use it in the right way, God uses people to reward you
God doesn’t do things for us and not expect to be treated well for it.
When you dedicate something to God, understand that you are giving it to the world, so that God can use it to gain Glory for Himself.
If you give to God, but your heart is not in it, God doesn’t want it.
Friends are gifts from God, His way of telling us He is there, and He loves us. We should treat all of our friends as if they are God's gift to us.
When God gives you a talent, it cannot be contained within the confines of your home. Word of your gifts become known to others who wish to learn from you, or hear you, or see what God has given you. It is important to keep God at the front of anything you do, in order to sustain such gift and grow it. This way, the bigger the gift, the bigger God becomes; you have the opportunity to not only tell the world about God, but to show them what He can do with someone like you.
This is what God wants more than anything: He wants to feel welcomed into your life. He wants to know that you value His input, His advice, and His feelings toward you. Give this to God, and let God show you how much He values YOU.
When you obtain any position of authority that someone else was trying to get, you should always treat that person with respect and love, as long as that person is humbled enough to respect your position in spite of their efforts.
God has never used large armies to defeat large enemies.
God should be given the glory for all of our daily triumphs in life. The more we find to be thankful to God for, the more He rewards us just for being ourselves.
Sometimes God requires us to make up for what other people do wrong in order to build good relationships and show sincerity of heart.
Sometimes violence can be avoided by simply talking out a problem. It is always better to stop violence before it hurts innocent people.
Sometimes people's perceptions of the way things are different from the way things seem. Sometimes what you think is going on isn't what is going on at all. It is always best to be open to any new information instead of assuming that things are the way you see them.
God always takes care of problems, sometimes in ways that we don't expect or would not want to see. In the end it is always in our best interest
It is good to know what your enemy is up to at all times.
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