(This one is dedicated to Holly)
Can't say I didn't see this one coming.
I was working tonight in the dining room of a local cafeteria, and the television was tuned in to CNN, as it is on most days. Every now and then I glance up to catch the latest news on Aurora. My blood started boiling when I saw the caption that read, "It is something we need to re-evaluate." The headline was indicating that the subject was about the 2nd Amendment.
I went back to the dish room with my tray of dishes, followed by a co-worker, and mumbling to myself loud enough for her to hear me, and getting louder as I entered the dish room:
"No. They don't need to re-evaluate anything, unless they want to make guns more accessible to law abiding citizens. If one of those guys in the theater had had a gun, fifty-eight people might not be injured and twelve might not be dead. Sure, one or two may have been unlucky, but I guarantee the gunman would either be dead or injured well enough not to be shooting anymore.
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Even AD's can be prevented with the right training. Any idiot should be smart enough not to point it at themselves unless they wish to commit suicide. Why should I pay the price for some idiot that wants to shoot up a bunch of people in a theater?
I am tired of them using every shooting incident to take my 2nd Amendment rights away. Why don't we take computers away from people who might slander other people and ruin their lives? Why don't we take phones away from people who might gossip? Why don't we take cars away from people who might run red lights or keep people who might cook up some dope from taking chemistry in schools? While we are at it, let's take children away from parents who might abuse them.
Hey, here's an idea, why don't we take the Presidency and the House and the Senate away from someone who might trample on our Constitution?"
Don't get me on this soapbox. I might never come down.
One of our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, said "The beauty of the 2nd Amendment is that it isn't needed until someone tries to take it." The 2nd Amendment is needed now more than ever. Let's hope they don't have to pry it from my cold dead fingers.
I completely agree with your statement. Good to see you back online.
read this:
Thanks, AH. It's nice to be back...very nice.
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