Then, Adonijah, who was Absalom’s brother by the same mother, decided he would be the king. David was unaware of what was going on, so he couldn’t object. Adonijah went to Joab and got Joab’s support for this, even though Joab never followed Absalom. But Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah, Shimmei, and Rei, and all of David’s other mighty men did not support Adonijah. Adonijah slew sheep and oxen and called everyone but them to join him.
So Nathan the prophet went to Bathsheba and told her what was going on, because Solomon didn’t know, either. He told her to go and talk to David and tell him and ask him why Solomon isn’t king, even though he promised Solomon the kingdom. He said, “I will come in after you and confirm what you say.”
So David said, “Have Nathan and Zadok and Benaiah put Solomon on a mule and march him down the street and say, ‘God Save the King’ after blowing the trumpet. They did this, and Adonijah heard it as he was eating. His cousin, Jonathon came in and told him what was going on, saying, “And the people are praising him saying, ‘God make you an even better king than David’ and even David bowed down to him on his bed!”
All the people that were with Adonijah were afraid, so they left the feast. Adonijah went and grabbed the horns of the altar in despair. Someone went and told Solomon what he had done and that he was afraid. Solomon told him, “If Adonijah shows respect and is good, I will not hurt him.” So Adonijah came down from the altar, and bowed before Solomon and Solomon sent him home peacefully.
Solomon, as king, had made his first decision as a king. In this decision, he showed himself to be worthy by showing mercy and wisdom. He wouldn’t hurt Adonijah unless Adonijah did anything to threaten him. He was truly David’s son, and David’s wisest choice as a replacement.
Therefore, the lesson is that when you obtain any position of authority that someone else was trying to get, you should always treat that person with respect and love, as long as that person is humbled enough to respect your position in spite of their efforts.
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