Back then, when the people would make a sacrifice, they would go to a high place because there was no tabernacle to sacrifice in. Solomon loved the Lord, and he did his best to follow his father’s footsteps, who had advised him to follow the Lord. So, Solomon went to Gibeon to offer sacrifice there, as he had done a thousand times before.
One night while he was in Gibeon, the Lord came to Solomon in a dream, asking, “Solomon, what is it you want from me?”
Solomon replied, “Lord, you are a great and mighty God. You have treated my father well and you have been there to provide for us and protect us. You even kept your promise to him by putting me on the throne. But, I have no idea what I am doing. I can’t judge these people. I don’t have the knowledge or the wisdom to do them justice. I am like a little child who depends on grownups to help me. I am asking you to help me. Give me wisdom that I may judge well and that I may please you.”
God was pleased with Solomon’s request. He told Solomon, “Because you have asked this, and have not asked for long life, or riches, or protection from your enemies, I am granting you this. Solomon, there has never, nor will there be another king like you. You will also have the riches you have not asked for, and you will have protection from your enemies; and if you continue to walk in my ways and follow my laws and please me, I will also give you long life.
When Solomon awoke from his dream, he went to Jerusalem, where there were two women who came to him in need of judgment. One told him, “Sire, both me and this woman had a baby. Hers died, so while I was asleep, she took mine. I want my child back.” So Solomon ordered a sword be brought to him. He took the baby and said, “That is simple, I will cut the baby in half and both of you can have him.” But, when he raised the sword, one woman threw herself at Solomon’s feet and begged, “Oh, please don’t harm the child. She can have him, just please don’t kill him!”
Solomon then gave the baby to her and said, “This is the real mother.”
His judgment for this case became so famous that the people were in awe. They knew that God was with Solomon, and respected him that much more for his wisdom and knowledge as king.
When you ask God for something that isn’t for selfish means, but rather is for helping others and seeking justice for all those around you, God will bless you with more blessings than you ask for.
How many times have we been put into positions in our lives where we felt we were in "over our heads", so to speak. The overwhelming anxiety is taxing on our emotions, our judgment and our mental outlook.
In 1 Kings 3, Solomon could have had anything he wanted as king. He could have taken it by force, just because he was king. The first few decisions he had already made as king was leading him down that tyrranical road. But, as a child of the most high he stopped and he reflected on the direction he was going, and whether he wanted to continue in that direction, and the only way he knew to change the direction in which his life events were taking him was to ask God for help.
The only way any of us can change anything is with God's guidance and leadership. God saw this as a behavior to be rewarded in Solomon, and He will see it as a behaviour to be rewarded in you and me. All we need do is ask.
That is what God wants more than anything: He wants to feel welcomed into your life. He wants to know that you value His input, His advice, and His feelings toward you.
Give this to God, and let God show you how much He values YOU.
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