Thursday, March 03, 2016

Beliefs and Politics

Good morning, World.

I wish some folks could see that it is religion, values, principles and ideology that give people the ambition to get the job you want done done.

When you elect someone, you are choosing the one who's belief system is matched to your own. 

Without a belief system what's the point?

If you take away people's core beliefs, then you take away their hope for the future, and they will throw up their hands and roll with the tide.

Being a good businessman does not translate in being a good diplomat or military general -- or commander-in-chief. How many jobs have you had that you quit? Was it because you couldn't do the job or because you disliked your boss? We can't fire Donald Trump before he pisses everyone off, and we can't quit him once he is there. Just remember that.

I feel sorry for this country because it is full of people who will believe anything anyone tells them without checking the source of the information for the truth. I'd rather be considered a troll in some circles and tell the truth than to know I mislead millions of Americans into believing a lie and electing someone who will ultimately destroy them. To me, that's treason.

Are you listening to the rags or the candidates that say it? Are you researching the courts to find the actual charges or are you hearing what others are saying the charges are? Are you believing what they will do based on what they say they will do, or are you believing what they will do based on the history of what they have already done that can be verified in the records? Are you thinking for yourself or repeating what somoene you admire thinks?

I'm praying you all have a blessed day, and remember who you are voting for.

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