Today at work I fell victim to Obama's racists. As we were getting ready to open the doors, one of the girls on the line was loudly proclaiming to everyone that they should vote for Obama. Well, since she was voicing her opinion, I felt it was safe to voice mine.
My response was, "If you vote for Obama you are a fool." Mind you, all the girls (at least seven of them) were black. I was white. In my workplace, I am a BIG minority.
She said I didn't have a right to call her a fool for voting for Obama. I told her it was foolish to vote for Obama, again, and said, "and that is how I feel. That is my opinion. In my opinion, he is a treasonous coward and a traitor to our country after what happened in Benghazi." She said, very loudly, "and I don't have a right to my opinion?" I said, "No one is taking away your right to an opinion, but if you can state your opinion then I can state mine."
Then she got volatile and called me "White trailer trash" to which I got volatile and called her racist while she was threatening, with all of her friends there to gang up on my "white trailer trash a**"
I said, "I hope you do"...and I didn't back down. I went off on her about her racist remarks and said that she cannot expect to be permitted to call me such without me calling her things I didn't say. What she was doing now was crossing the line between having an opinion into committing a hate crime.
I went to the back of the restaurant near the office and she met me there and got in my face. I forgot what she said, but I told her again how I was not going to tolerate her using hateful speech toward me that I couldn't use against her and I was two inches from her nose, looking UP at her. (She's a BIG TALL girl)
At that point, my boss came out and told us both to clock out and go home. I did so, with the determination that I did not want to work in a place where I am forced to hear other's opinions without being allowed to state my own, nor do I wish to be bullied or have racist remarks forced upon me that I do not use on other people.
The next morning:
I got to work about 9:15 and clock in. I just non-chalantly go to work. Then, Richard calls me to the office. He wasn't there yesterday when Bryce sent us home. He came in later yesterday afternoon.
I went to the office and he asked me, "What are you doing?"
I said, "Working. why?"
He said, "You don't work here anymore. Bryce said you called in yesterday and quit."
I said, "That is a lie. I did not call in, I was already here. And, I didn't quit, he sent me home, and I can prove it." I went and got my time card to show him.
Richard said, "Well, you don't work here anymore."
I said, "Does Latonya still work here?"
He said, "Yes."
I said, "Then so do I. Excuse me, I have work to do."
He said, "You will leave or I will have you removed."
I said, "Then I will sue your ass for discrimination. Either you fire her or I am not leaving."
He wouldn't tell me he would fire her so I told him, "Then do what you have to do. I won't leave peacefully until I know she is gone too."
I told him what happened and why I had to leave. I also made it a point to let him know that I didn't leave yesterday until I knew she left, too.
Then I told him I was not leaving until I knew she was fired too.
He said, again, that I should leave before he calls the cops. If I could have reached the phone I would have handed it to him. I pointed at it and told him, "Call the cops." Then I went back to work.
A few minutes later, one of the girls, who was there yesterday during all the yelling, came to me and said, "The cops are here, Shonda."
I said, "Good. They can come and get me." I kept working.
I was halfway done with my duties when Richard called me to the office.
The cops just looked at me and said, "We were asked to escort you out of the building."
I said, "You do what you have to do, but I'm not leaving until I know Latonya is fired, too."
They said, "That is none of our business."
So I asked Richard, "Is she fired?"
He said, "None of your business."
I said, "Oh, but it is. I am being discriminated against if she isn't being fired to. I want justice."
For about fifteen minutes we went back and forth over whether I was going to leave peacefully, whether or not it was any of my business if she was fired, or whether or not they would arrest me.
I told them, "Do what you have to do. But, if you don't arrest me, what can I do to make justice happen?"
They told me to go and talk to Judge Hadaway because it is a civil matter. They said he would tell me what to do from there. As I was speaking to the police about this, Richard finally said, "I have decided that I WILL take action against Latonya."
So I agreed to leave peacefully; and, Richard had me banned from the property.
I have decided I am going to talk to Judge Hadaway, anyway, to find out what I need to do if such action ISN'T taken care of.