Then Elijah told Elisha to stay in Bethel because God had sent him to Jericho. Elisha refused. The prophets of Jericho met Elisha and told him, "Do you know that God is going to take Elijah today?" Elisha said, "Yes, I know. Be quiet."
Then Elijah told Elisha to stay in Jericho because God had sent him to Jordan. Again, Elisha refused. When they got to the Jordan river, fifty prophets were watching as Elisha wrapped up his mantle and hit the waters of the river with it, and it divided and they crossed over on dry ground.
Elijah asked his friend, Elisha, "Is there anything I can do for you before God takes me?" And, Elisha answered, "I want a double portion of the spirit that you have." Elijah said, "That is a hard thing to give. But, if you see me taken up by God, then you shall have what you have asked for."
Then, as they walked and talked a little further, a chariot of fire with horses of fire came down and took Elijah up in a whirlwind. Elijah's mantle fell as he went up, so Elisha went and got it, and he hit the waters of the Jordan saying, "Is the God of Elijah here?" The waters parted and he went over.
The fifty prophets that had seen them walk over the Jordan came and met Elisha and said, "Let us go to look for Elijah. Maybe the Lord put him down somewhere else." But, Elisha said, "That isn't necessary," but they kept insisting, so Elisha told them to go ahead and look. They searched for three days but did not find Elijah. Then, they came back to Elisha, who said, "I told you it wouldn't be necessary. He is gone!"
The men of the city came to Elisha and said, "This is a good city, but the water is so bad even the plants can't drink it." So Elisha had them bring him a cruse of salt. He threw the salt into the water and said, "The Lord has healed these waters," and it was.
On his way back to Bethel, forty children came out taunting him about his bald head. Elisha cursed them in the name of God and two female bears came out and tore all the children to pieces.
He left there and went to Mt. Carmel, then he went to Samaria.
If you follow a mentor who is god-fearing, and you learn from them, when they leave this world, you can be blessed with as much, if not more, knowledge and spirit as they have. This is due to the experience that you have, coupled with the experiences you learn from them.
The prophets knew that Elijah had been taken, they knew he was going to be, but they refused to believe it until they saw for themselves. This wasn't a bad thing, because it served to build the testimony Elisha had. For instance, if you get cancer, and you pray for healing, and you know without a shadow of a doubt that God has healed you, it is still good to get the doctor's to check you over so you can testify to them how God has healed you.
When God leaves you to take over someone else's job, it is always best to do it well as well, if not better than your predecessor.
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