I mean look, we have men who lose elections as Democrats, then deciding, "Maybe I'd won if I were a Republican." It doesn't matter whether they are Democrat or Republican if their point of view sucks.
I watch the presidential campaign with disgust. They take one line from any speech their opponent makes and twist it to suit their own purpose, which is, of course, to win. Is it no wonder that We The People don't trust our own government anymore?
Then, when they get in office, they are so busy fighting the opposite party that they forget the promises they made and who they are as a person, and they completely forget about what We The People want.
A lady told me today that if I vote for anyone other than Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, then I am wasting my vote. I told her that to vote for Mitt Romney or Barack Obama would be a wasted vote. I added that no vote for what you truly believe is a waste.
When did we get so immature as a nation? We have one of the oldest Constitutions on the planet. When did we start voting for who gets more points knocking out their opponent instead of the things that we truly believe to be important? Are we going through a national senility?
How can we expect our children to grow up and act like adults when they see the people that are supposed to be our leaders acting so childish?
I think it is time that we, somehow, find a way to break off a switch from the tree of liberty and teach those guys a lesson in politics. We the People need to take control of our country and stop letting the babies run the household. If We The People don't do this soon, we may not have anything to take control of.
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