Elijah, who was sent by God, stopped the men on their way. He said, "Your king is going to die because he chooses to ask Baal when there is already a God he can ask."
They went back to Ahaziah, who wanted to know why they had returned. They told him what Elijah had said, but not knowing him, said he was a "man of God." Ahaziah wanted to know what he looked like, and they described him as being rough and hairy.
So Ahaziah sent fifty men and their officer to find him and bring him back. They found Elijah sitting on a hill, and said, "Hey you! Man of God! The king wants you to come down, now!"
Elijah said, "If, as you say, I am a man of God, then may fire come down and burn all of you up!" and it did. Ahaziah sent fifty more men and their captain who met the same fate. Then he sent fifty more and their captain. When they found Elijah, the captain said,
"You have already killed two groups of men. Please spare my life and come down!"
So, Elijah went back with them. He told Ahaziah the same thing he told the men that were going to see Baal-zebub, and Ahaziah died.
Jehoram reigned in his place because Ahaziah had no son.
Until the soldiers were willing to acknowledge that God had such power, and treat Elijah with respect because of God, God did not tell Elijah to go with them. The third group came in respect, so God told Elijah to go with them.
If you do not give God respect, He will take it.
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