To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.
I never quite thought of it like that; but, it is true. Every day brings new challenges, and in order to learn new things and become greater than we are, we have to be willing to take risks.
If we take risks, we might fail; but, then we'd have experience on our side when we decide to take another one. Each new experience makes us better as a person.
God wants us to be creative. He gave us the ability to create anything with the tools that He gave us to work with. Nothing is created without God, because God is the creator of the world in which we live, and all the natural things of it; but, in order for us to create anything of value, we must be willing to take risks.
We must be willing to look back and say, "I've made a mistake" when we take those risks that turn out to be bad for us. We must be willing to be okay with the possibility that we will be wrong again before we can move forward.
It is the same when it comes to salvation. We must first be willing to admit that we are sinners. We are wrong. We have made mistakes. Then, we must be willing to go forward with the possibility of making more mistakes, before we can achieve perfection.
God wants us to be perfect, but He knows and understands that we are not. There was only one perfect man, and God sent him to us so that we would understand that it is okay to make mistakes, as long as we are trying to be better.
The fear of being wrong can be summed up in one word: Pride. Pridefulness is the opposite of humbleness. God wants us to be humble, not proud. If we are humbled, then He can shape us and mold us into what HE wants us to be. Pride would never allow us to change, to grow, to be any different, or any better.
To sum it all up, it is okay to be creative. It is okay to use the wrong color, or hit your thumb with the hammer, or have a wreck, or fall down, or trip, or burn the cake. At least you tried. That is all God asks of any of us.
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