When she got there, Ahijah could not see. So God told Ahijah who was coming and why. So, when she came to the door, he invited her in and told her, “I don’t have good news. Tell Jeroboam that God said because he sought after other gods and did not obey me and follow my statutes the way David did, I will take the kingdom, all I have given him, away. And, I will bring evil upon his house, and those that are left of his house will be carried away as trash and those that die will be eaten by animals and not get a proper burial. Go and tell him, and when you step foot back into your home, the child will die. He will get a proper burial because he is the only one in the house of Jeroboam who has even attempted to follow my ways. And I will raise up another King to take Israel from Jeroboam, but because Jeroboam has sinned and has led all the people of Israel to sin, all of Israel shall be punished. I will take away their inheritance. I will scatter them abroad. “
When she arrived in Tirzah, where the child was, he died, as Ahijah foretold. He was buried and mourned by all of Israel.
In the meanwhile, Rehoboam ruled in Judah for fourteen years. During this time, he also raised up images of worship and led the children of Judah away from God. They had many sodomites in the land of the children of Judah, and they did all the things the people did that God had cast out before they took over the land.
In the fifth year of his reign, the King of Egypt came and took away all of the treasures of the king’s house, and all of the gold shields Solomon had made. So Rehoboam had brass shields made and gave them to the guard to keep.
Rehoboam and Jeroboam fought each other all the years of their reign, and Rehoboam died, then his son Abijam ruled in his place.
If you follow the ways of the world instead of the ways of God, God will take away the many blessings He has blessed you with over time, and you will have nothing to leave your children and people will not remember you.
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