The difference between a Democracy and a Republic is one is ruled by majority, or mob rule (Democracy) and the other is ruled by law (Republic). So get it through your thick skulls that if you don't like the way things are done, you can elect people to change the laws! Let them know that is what you want! If you don't pick up your lazy pen and write your congressmen, they are going to assume you like the way things are going!
I don't pledge allegience to the flag of the Democracy of the United States. I am tired of spreading our DEMOCRACY to other countries!
If you, like many others, are dishearted by your choices in the upcoming election, then make a statement with your vote. Vote, but don't vote for either of them. Write someone in. If you choose to vote for "the lesser of two evils" you are still voting for EVIL.
Show Washington that you are tired of "politics as usual." We want action taken, not money spent. We want jobs, not welfare that costs us more of our tax dollars. We want our soldiers home, not overseas fighting in a war that should have ended the day it was started.
WE THE PEOPLE run this country, but if WE THE PEOPLE give it to someone else to run, they will, and it will be ruined. It pretty much already has.
So, WE THE PEOPLE, are you gonna just sit there and complain, or are you going to stand up with your Freedoms, while you still have them, and do something to change the way things are?
1 comment:
So true - I find that so many younger people don't realize the difference between a democracy and a republic. It's a fundamental difference at the heart of how we approach everything!
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