It is so much easier to praise God when things are going right. But, when things are going wrong is when we should praise Him the most. It is when things go wrong that we should be most assured that everything is in control. We should have faith that God knows what He is doing, and we should let God be God and do what God does.
When the Israelites were travelling to the Promised Land, they would sometimes worry and fret. They worried about food. They worried about water. They worried about their potential enemies. If there is one thing that gets on God's nerves, it's a child, who is supposed to be His, who worries.
Every time the Israelites would whine to Moses, Moses would tell them, "Why are you whining to ME? I'm not God!" It doesn't do any good to whine about things to other people. All that does is show other people how little faith you have in your God. But, the people demanded that Moses get them out of the situation that they perceived he got them into. Moses could never make them understand that he didn't get them into that situation, God did. God was leading the way. God was holding the reins. God was in the driver's seat.
God gave Moses the task of leading His people out of bondage because Moses did understand that. Moses may have felt inadequate, or insecure, or unsure of how to proceed or what to say at times, but he knew who was in control; and, he knew where to go when things got tough. The people saw that Moses was always calm (except when he got angry with them, and he had a temper!), always collected, and always willing to do what it took to get where he was going. So, naturally, they came to him when things went wrong. And, because he was something they could see, touch, feel, and talk to and listen to audibly, they blamed him when things seemed to go wrong.
Moses did what he was supposed to do, he pointed them to God. He gave God the credit for all that happened. He directed them to follow God's instructions. However, Moses didn't like repeating himself over and over again, and God is a God of patience. God will do anything for as long as it takes to see to it that His children are safe and cared for. So, when Moses lost his temper with them, God punished him by letting him see the Promised Land, but not letting him enter it.
When things seem to be with-in your grasp, but somehow alluding you, it is always best to reflect on how you are acting and what you are doing wrong. Maybe it's time to make a change in your own attitude, and praise God for getting you as far as He has, and be patient with those around you who don't understand the pressure that you are under to stay with-in God's will.
Psalms 100:2 says, "Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. " God wants you to serve Him joyfully, not in contempt or bad humor or impatient grumblings.
Remember, your job is to lead by example. If you are worrying and fretting, you are not a Moses. You are an Israelite. Try to be a Moses, with your feet going forward, your head held high and, remembering that the Great I Am is leading the way, "I can" should be your motto.
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