Part 1: So many people, so little response
by Shonda Ponder
© 2002, Shonda Ponder
As a Friend of Liberty, one of the problems most of us have on the World Wide Web is getting visitors to our web sites, or getting information out to the people, period. Some of us wonder how that one web site attracted thousands of visitors while we struggle daily to even get as many as twenty. Well, because I am a Friend of Liberty, I thought it would be nice to share some of my secrets with you in how to obtain good quality promotional skills.
Much of the information I am going to share with you on this website may require you to make an initial investment in order to make it work. Don't worry, I'm not going to send you to a site where you will have to pay thousands of dollars in advertising fees. I'm not going to ask you for any money here. I'm simply going to show you how you can do it yourself for free, or at the very least, cheaply.
When I am done showing you everything I know, I will be offering this information in an E-book form, so you can download all of the information instead of certain parts. Of course, I'll have to charge for that. But for now, sit back, visit the Friends of Liberty website often, and enjoy the information I am going to share with you.
When you read these articles that I am presenting to you on how to get your information out, I want you to sit back in your chair, close your eyes, and think of a business that you know of is very successful. Then, I want you to ask yourself why it is successful.
Of course, the first answer you are going to come up with to the question "Why is this business so successful? If I were to sell that product and start my own business, how could I be just as successful?" would be: Advertising.
That's right. Advertising.
Think of it this way: Everytime you present something to the public, you are advertising a product, an idea, a thought, or a service. When you put together a web site, you are advertising what you know. But, as many of you know, putting together a web site isn't exactly all there is to it. Once you put together your web site, you will want to make sure everyone knows about your web site so they can come and visit it. So, once you advertise what you know, you have to advertise the advertisement.
Let's take a quick look at where we are right now:
1. First you have to have a product, idea, thought or service.
2. Then you have to make that product, idea, thought or service available to the public.
3. Then you have to advertise the availability of the product, idea, thought or service.
Sounds simple, doesn't it? Of course, many of you out there who have their own email lists, web sites, products or services that you have already put out there for the public exposure know that it's not as simple as that. For one, you are now asking, "How do I advertise so that others will be willing to buy it?"
For instance, you have your product, idea, thought or service (which we are now going to call just message, for short, from here on out). You decided you wanted everyone to know about this great message you have. So, you sent out a message either by website or email and got a minimal response. Now, you are stuck. What do you do from here?
Sure, it would be GREAT to advertise it on TV, but with a minimum wage or fixed income, that just isn't feasible for most of us. (Believe me, I know.). And, most of you in the Patriot Community understand that other Patriots are not going to dish out what it is going to take to help you, even though they know it would be in their best interest to do so.
So, the purpose of my information from here on out will be to help you to understand what is available, and how to use it to the best of your advantage. I don't guarantee results, but I do guarantee that if you follow all of my instructions, you will be much better off in the long run for knowing the information that I have to present.
This is Part 1 of "Promotion for Dummies: How to Get Your Information Out to
the American Sheeple"
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