(How to Get Your Message to the American Sheeple)
Part 8: Correspondence
by Shonda Ponder
© 2002, Shonda Ponder
Let's face it. As Patriots, in today's world of Anti-American propaganda and the twisted mindsets of those who like to villify the Founding Fathers for their beliefs, it is obvious that as Patriots we already have one strike against us. That is, we already have an offensive message, in the eyes of many of the brainwashed public today. Our job is to win people over to our cause, and in order to do that, we have to be vitally careful about how we go about doing so.
So, here are a few rules to help you "win" people, rather than drive them away.
We must remember that there are those who do not understand your contempt of the United States Government. As patriots, we must paint the picture that we are not ANTI-GOVERNMENT. When someone confronts us as being too extremist in our anti-government points of views, we must take the time to explain to them that we are not anti-government. Instead, we must explain to them that we are PRO-CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT, and then we must explain to them how what we have taught is in line with the Constitution.
In doing so, we must never resort to personal attacks. The sheeple out there that you are teaching are mere children in a classroom of millions of megabytes of information. With this picture in mind, you must constantly and consistently be patient, and sensitive that what you are teaching them is something that is very foreign to them. The schools and classrooms of today's world have totally warped their thinking, and the allegience that they have been taught has been a lie. But to them, it is truth. To them, it is all they know. And, they will defend it until you lead them by the hand and show them a better way and make them want it.
Put yourself in their place: How would you feel if someone came and attacked you for doing something wrong that you thought you were doing right, rather than patiently explaining to you why you are wrong and showing you how to do it right? We all make mistakes. We all are human. We all will offend someone for something sometime in our lives. It is how we react to those challenges that will show your worth as a teacher, a preacher, or a leader in any way.
There are times when you will receive hate mail that causes you to scratch your head and wonder what in the world made those people write such mean things? Why are they attacking you? What did you do to deserve the mean words they said to you? When this happens, think of them in terms as little children who's parents have given you charge over them for a day. When you don't let them play on the swingset all day, and you make them come inside for their nap, they will scream and holler at you and tell you how much they hate you. Tomorrow, when they think about their actions, they will feel ashamed of how they reacted toward you.
They may still feel that they were right and you were wrong, but the contempt will go away if you are patient and do not reply in kind.
When you ask people to take part in something, many times they will act like teenagers who have been told by their parents to do their chores. Some of them are good kids. They won't like what they have to do, but they understand that if they don't do it, their lives will be miserable. Others are mediocre kids. You have to keep pushing them to get them to do whatever you need them to do. And then there are those who are spoilt rotten and used to doing what they want when they want and think that if they don't do it, it won't matter. Those are the ones you have to either spank, or give up. In today's world, spanking has received much controversial discussion. So it is much more productive to work with those few who will go out on a limb to get the job done, and the rest you treat as Christ instructed to his disciples.Shake the dust off the bottom of your feet and walk on.
Do not shut them out, lead by example. The only time you should ignore a potential recruit is if he has consistently shown contempt for your work, and has not stated why he feels the way he feels.
I know you are asking, "What does this have to do with promotion?", at which I will take this opportunity to explain:
When you go to your local Burger Joint, USA and order a whopping beef burger with everything, and you only get half of what you ask for, would you accept what you are given? No. You would likely return your burger and demand that the management make your order right. If the management shows contempt for you in return, you will never return to that business ever again. BUT, if the management has sympathy for your trouble, and offers to help you personally, and shows attention to your aggrivated condition, and works to make the order right, it will likely leave you with the impression that maybe it was an honest mistake, and you're willing to give that business a second chance. You may even tell others how great the management is there.
If you consistently return, however, and you know the burger is going to be
bad, and you consistently ask for help in correcting the problem, the management will eventually start ignoring your contempt.
As the messenger, you are the manager. Your burgers are the message. If someone doesn't understand the message, they will return it back to you with contempt. How you react to them will determine whether they will return to hear more of your message in the future, and whether they will tell others about you.
If however, the potential recruit continues to return, and you consistently have the same problems with this recruit until it is obvious that he has no desire to accept your message or there is nothing you can do to please him, then you have no choice but to stay in line with what you are doing and focus on those who do appreciate your message and show promise of becoming a recruitER.
This is Part 8 of "Promotional Skills for the Chronically Amateur"
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