by Shonda Ponder
© 2002, Shonda Ponder
Another good way to insure great promotion is through link exchanges. Most web site owners love to be able to see their sites listed on other sites for recommended eading. And, you will be tempted, as you travel the internet, to list everyone you come across on your links page.
This is great, if you are looking to help everyone. However, this does not insure that you, yourself, will be helped.
When you are creating your web site, you will want to create a separate page for just links. This will insure that people who come to visit your site will see only what you want them to see on the front page of your site. Then, if they want any more information from other sources, they can go to your links page and check out all the great links there.
In order to further promote your links page, you can place an email address where people can write to you if they wish to be listed on your links page. At Friends of Liberty, we provide a submission form for our readers to submit their web site if they wish to have it linked to us.
When you get requests to have another site listed on your links page, you must first be certain that your own site has a chance for promotion on their site before you accept. For instance, when you get a link submission, the first thing you do is go to their website and check to see if they have placed a link to your site on their site. If they have not, you should write to them with a simple email to explain to them that the policy at your web site is to only provide a link to those sites that provide a reciprocal link. You should tell them that you will re-check their site in a few days and then reconsider placing their link on your links page. Usually, the link is found on their site with-in one or two days, and then you can follow up by placing their link on yours.
But, don't stop there.
Be sure to also list those sites who have simply linked one of your articles of interest to them. Sometimes they won't tell you they have done so, and you find out when you are checking your referring URLs in your stats area. Anyone who helps to further your work should be listed on your links page -- even if the site is not related to what you are doing.
The promotional value of a simple link on a good web site is highly profitable toward getting your message out.
This is Part 13 of "Promotional Skills for the Chronically Amateur"
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