Friday, February 23, 2007

We have Had Enough - By Shonda Ponder

(This was originally written in support of the 50 Million Round March on May 29, 2000, for the Sierra Times)

As women we have watched as our children are shot in the school rooms and have tried alternative schooling for our children so that they wouldn't have to deal with that. But, not only do we get in trouble for trying to do our motherly duty and protect them, we have to fight their fathers in order to do so. Why? Because men would rather make a dollar than protect their children.

We have fought the doctors, nurses, teachers and day-care workers in order to keep our kids drug-free from ritalin and other forms of methamphetamines, but their fathers don't have the time to get to really get to know their children and it is much easier to listen to a woman they don't know than to listen to the wife they are constantly arguing with about the subject, even though she knows the child better at times, because she is with him more.

Our men, who spend their hard earned money on expensive toys for themselves rather than quality time with their families, have fallen into the traps of liberated women, and are now demanding that their wives follow suit. They just flat don't want to take care of us anymore. It is too much work.

Never mind that the liberated women out there have done more to mess up our children than anyone. They would rather put their children on drugs so they can get rest away from their children when they come home from work (if they haven't aborted those nuisances) so the children can be walking zombies that never learn right from wrong. They sit those children, who are too "down" to do anything, in front of that box full of sex and violence, and since that is all they see, that is all they learn. Is it no wonder they go to school then and kill other kids?

What is worse, it is those liberated women out there who are the teachers and day-care workers we have to fight everyday from undermining our own authority over our children.

So, us women who still believe in traditional values, and are still trying to raise our children to respect God and Country, are tired of taking matters into our own hands. We are looking for a few REAL men to take up our cause. We heard about those 40K morons who went to Washington, and with minimal support from a few real men in order to teach those killers for gun-control a lesson, many of us liberty-loving, conservative and Godly women showed up, too.

How many liberal husbands supported their women as they attacked our children that day? How many freedom-loving husbands supported and honored their wives as they went to counter that attack? If the conservative woman was not there, it was because, in this day and age, a woman can't afford to be conservative. There are no men around to take care of them anymore. There are no men who will stand up and support their wives in order to be honored back in the long run.

Men, let me give you a little secret. Women like to be protected, not owned. They like to be taken care of, not forced to take care of themselves in order to pay half the bills. The reason there are so many "liberal" women out there today is out of necessity. If a woman has to support herself with someone, it is just as easy to support themselves alone.

When will the men be men?

The men, who are using loneliness to excuse drunken rages and beating their wives because they feel inadequate enough to care for them completely blame us women for all the world's problems. Men like the idea of women helping to be the bread winner of the family today. Don't they realize that if their women get a job and become equal bread winners, that they won't be home when their men are to take care of them? Don't they realize that women can compensate for loneliness a lot easier than a man can?

Men, who think only in terms of sex and dollars have found out that that they can take care of themselves a lot easier than they can support a family, and they can go to a bar and get sex anytime they want. They don't stop to think that the reason they can do this a lot of times is because the women who go to that bar are tired of the men that they have not being men.

Oh, but it isn't all the men's fault.

Women, who have been raised in the government training camps don't beg their men to go to church with them any more and to share those quality outings with their children. After all, we were all descended from apes, so there is no God to answer to. Life was much better when men felt forced to spend a few hours on Sunday listening to Godly sermons and told that God would punish them if they were bad husbands or fathers.

We have mistakenly molded our men into being more "sensitive" and loving, and have not instructed them that it is okay to be leaders and put their foots down when needed for the betterment of the family as a whole.

Now, when we are faced with surrendering our children because men won't stand up and be men, we, as conservative women, are stumbling around trying to find a few good men who will instruct us on how to use a weapon for self-defense. We are afraid. We have no man to protect us or our children anymore.

Those men out there who do try to be real men and protect the traditional values of God and Country are constantly being (a) ridiculed by society as being an extremist, and therefore being forced not to talk about it or educate anyone else, (b) feared by their liberal wives who are concerned about the social life their children are not enjoying due to being "different" or (c) they are accused by their women of being too strict or too demanding.

(A note for you liberal women out there: If a man is willing to work 3 jobs in order to pay the bills and buy your clothes and put food in your mouth and your kid's, so he can have someone there for him to cook, clean and rub his back when he gets home--any way he wants it rubbed--is that asking too much?)

And now, in light of losing the Constitution that allowed our men to be free men, and knowing that our sons (read: our CHILDREN) will have no choice but to be compliant, we are humbled, and we are putting our foot down to protect the rights of our children.

We women have had enough.

We have already been forced to give our children up to entities that will turn them against us in the long run. We have been forced to live alone rather than with a liberal man who thinks anything goes. We have been forced to fend for ourselves, rather than have half our bills paid by a "domestic partner"/roommate, and half of our saving squandered on a good time.

Why should we pay more taxes for that?

For you men who are reading this and saying to themselves, "you just haven't found the right one yet," we say if there are any real men left out there after we have so carelessly dispersed of them, then show us.

We want you to prove it by meeting the 50-Million Round Challenge that Jeff Head and are promoting. We want to see pictures of you on father's day, being real fathers and real heads of your family, at the gun range.

Why? Because when our childeren get to be 18 years old, we want their God-given right to self-defense by use of a weapon or any other peaceful means still in-tact. We don't want them to have to pay for a privilege that is, by the words written in the first ten amendments of the Constitution, a right.

And good mothers don't like to see their children hurt when they don't have to be. Responsible mothers teach their children to care for every way.

Men, women like to feel loved. If you are, indeed, a man, we want to see you stand up, for once, for liberty and justice in love, honor, and protection like men should do for your family and for yourself. We want the proof. We want the pictures.

We want hope.

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