(Originally written on November 4, 2001 by Shonda Ponder)
Over the past few years we've seen big changes in how our government operates. In the wake of the "War Against Terrorism," we are all called to make certain personal decisions that never before were questionable in our minds.
Most of us won't ask, we'll just follow the status quo, calling it "necessary" in light of the circumstances. Others will protest, while signing the dotted lines and giving their souls to the enemy. A few others will scream, and be incarcerated for failure to comply with the new standards. In the end, they, too, will give in--thinking they will be able to scream better if they just follow the rules. And, some will die fighting the monster that our government has become, and be written off as being whacked out mentally, or dangerous kookes.
This is the New World Order. Know it. Recognize it. Call it what it is. In the end, there is nothing you can do to stop it. The only thing you can do is decide how you want to get screwed.
Recently, 2nd Amendment advocates were appalled at the intent of the UN to interfere with national sovereignty in an attempt to disarm the world. Many of those same people are so busy trying to "get used to the new normality" since the September 11 attacks that they have not paid attention to what is going on with the UN now--and Bush will be able to effectively sign over any sovereign status our Bill of Rights has in order to further the agenda of the New World Order.
The New World Order has only one obstacle in its way. A world-type government must be able to agree with member nations on one idea, and then work from the foundation of that one idea to create effectively a government capable of ruling the world.
What agreement must the world reach a consensus on in order to create this "New World Order?" The question of who is to be considered a terrorist. After all, if a person is not considered a terrorist threat by the United States, and the United Nations wishes to punish the person for allegedly being a terrorist, this will cause friction between the two entities. They must both come to the same consensus on, not just who, but how a terrorist is labeled as a terrorist.
In the end, there will be only one way to label a terrorist. A terrorist will be anyone who disagrees with the policies and agendas set forth by the government, and is a potential obstacle in the way of it's goals.
In order to make sure that there is so-called "justice" against the alleged terrorists, the government must be able to find and root out any potential "problems" inside its borders. Many have debated the use of the National ID as a means of deterring terrorists. The idea was quickly struck down as being too blatant and "too much" for the people to accept right now. But that hasn't stopped New World Order proponents as they have searched to find an alternative solution to this problem.
The answer to that problem has almost been reached by utilizing the tools already available and in place for such an introduction: the driver's license.
The Executive Committee of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) passed a resolution recently establishing a Special Task Force on Identification Security. The Task Force will build relationships with other stakeholders, including Congress and federal agencies such as the departments of Transportation, Justice and State, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, the U.S. Social Security Administration and the President’s Office of Homeland Security, to improve coordination and credentialing security.
"There's no need to create a new national ID card," said Jason King, the group's spokesman, according to an article in the Washington Post, "Let's just make what we have better."
But the AAMVA is not the only group working on such technology to insure identification. Drexler Technology Corporation develops and manufactures LaserCard(R) optical memory cards and chip-ready Smart/Optical(TM) cards -- a combination of optical memory card and smart card. LaserCard optical memory cards are used for "Laser Visa" border crossing ID cards, resident immigrant ID cards, and national ID cards, which are "digital governance" and "homeland security" applications.
"Digital governance" and "homeland security" applications represent Drexler's principal LaserCard markets today. "Digital governance" means the utilization of digital information technology to facilitate or expedite the process of governing by a nation, state, region, municipality, agency, institution, or commercial enterprise. The card is used for identification and as proof that the cardholder is authorized and has been granted certain rights and privileges by the card issuer. The LaserCard's high-security features inhibit counterfeiting and data tampering and provide controlled access to the benefits granted by the card issuer. For "homeland security" applications, the emphasis is on denying unauthorized persons those rights and privileges.
Drexler Technology and its wholly owned subsidiary, LaserCard Systems Corporation, are based in Mountain View, where Drexler manufactures cards and LaserCard Systems manufactures optical card read/write drives, develops optical card system software, and markets card-related data systems and peripherals. In addition to the "Laser Visa" cards made for the U.S. Department of State and the digital permanent resident "Green Card" made for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Drexler Technology also makes optical memory cards for other customers, such as the U.S. Department of Defense, the Government of Italy, and a state government of India.
One can see how easy it would be to incorportate identification data into one computer, under one legal entity that can be easily controlled by the government.
Identitrak is a UK based company that works to provide microchip implants for pets and other animals that can be used for tracking their behaviors and whereabouts. Recently, they have began working with the local Crimestoppers communities to help catch thieves. How easy would it be for such a company to decide to provide such technology for the implementation of a national identification?
In order to bring about the acceptance of the New World Order (in all its facets), the need for it must be made strong enough for the people to accept it. If people were not afraid of terrorists, would people accept Gray Davis's actions securing the bridges or the highways in California. Patience has been urged by the California Homeland Defense task force, and the people are accepting it.
With the possibility of biometric microchips, which are already being used by some health centers to regulate drugs within the body, come the need to get the people to accept such a dire idea. On October 17, 2001, Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy said on the floor of Congress, "We also must make sure we develop the best possible biometric technology to identify potential terrorists entering the United States, such as facial recognition or fingerprint systems. The USA Act includes a section proposed by Senator Cantwell that requires the Attorney General to report to Congress on the feasibility of enhancing the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System and other systems to better identify people with foreign passports or visas who may be wanted in connection with criminal investigations in the United States or abroad."
Right now the people will accept this because it only affects immigrants. But, sooner or later, immigration will prove too broad a spectrum to keep up with, and the only solution will be to have everyone, including the citizens of the US, entered into a national database.
Once all of the countries of the world follow suit, the only obstacle standing in the way of the "New World Order" will be to incorporate all of the information into a single database. The United Nations will only need access to each member country's computers in order to accomplish this.
According to the book of Revelations in the Bible (KJV), Chapter 13, verses 16 and 17, it says, "and he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
This verse alone will cause the powers that be to question the loyalty of those who claim to be Christian. The paranoia that has been let loose by the governments in response to the terroristic threat on the nations will not stop at condemning anyone who refuses to take a stand against the idea of a national identification for religious reasons. After all, if they are not FOR their government and it's agenda, then they are against it. And if they are against it, then they are terrorists, and will need to be made obsolete.
In closing, America is no longer the home of the brave and the land of the free. We have effectively traded all that in, in order to prevent further terrorist attacks. Because we will be powerless now to stop the scope of powers we have given our government, we will see a pale horse with a rider named "Death" who will kill a quarter of the world's population by violence, hunger and pestilence.
Now is a critical moment. We must stand to oppose this. We must stand up for every last tittle of what made our American way of life so great. If we do not do so now...
Bend over America. Time to reap what we sow.
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