(Originally written after 9/11 on January 2, 2002 by Shonda Ponder)
The Associated Propagandist, I mean Press, has reported that residents in Boca Raton, Florida have panicked because a skywriter wanted to spread a Godly message by writing it in the sky.
Geez. What's the world coming to?
No doubt, if Jerry Stevens, who wrote "God is Great" in the sky, would have wrote, "Bush is Numero Uno" instead, the AP wouldn't have had a story. So why, all of a sudden, has God become the enemy?
It's a shameful world in which we live when we have to be afraid of being labeled as a terrorist just because we mention the word God. After all, Jerry didn't write "Allah is Great". The panick would have been conceivable if he had, though still not right. After all, it wasn't God-fearing men that attacked the World Trade Centers. It was followers of Allah.
Here, in this great country, where one is free to believe in any God he wants, we are now being asked to keep God hidden because it might terrorize somebody. Just who, pray tell, are the paranoid extremists in this country when we can write "Busch Beer, Tastes Great" but not "God is Great" in the clouds? Who, really, are the paranoid extremists?
Most of the Right-Wing "extremists" that I know want only one thing: they want to be left alone. They want to live their lives as they see fit, and not have to get arrested or harassed when they leave their homes to travel. They don't call the cops when they see a mother chastise her young child in public for misbehaving. They don't call the FBI when they see their neighbors bring in some rough-looking individuals next door--until it affects them directly. Yet, when they try to homeschool their children, some nosy, paranoid neighbor wants to call CPS on them. When they return home from a hunting trip, the FBI seems to want to butt in because some extremely paranoid person wants to get rid of that "terrorist" in their neighborhood. Or, some Rosy O'Donnel groupie thinks he must be a criminal since he has a .22 Shotgun.
Face it, all us conservative parents can't even let our children be children because some crazy, paranoid teacher might be alarmed if our children want to play cops and robbers, or draws a gun. We are becoming a society that lables homosexuality as normal while they try to institutionalize anyone who believes in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It's okay to teach our young children about sex in schools and that sex is natural so long as it feels good, but it is wrong for a grown man to ask someone out on a date more than once lest he be accused of sexual harassment.
And now, God is a terrorist. Go figure.
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