I am returning two movies to the library and am going to check out two more. Last night
I watched The Wilderness Family. It kept me on the edge of my seat during the whole movie. It was a refreshing visit to a more pure time in movie-making history. I recommend it.
June 28
I am at the library. Just checked out three books by Edward Abbey: The Monkey Wrench Gang, Hayduke Lives, and The Brave Cowboy. I figure I'll end up reading every book in the library before long, starting with Fiction, since I have nothing better to do. I also checked out some movies: Act Your Age, Air Force One, The Adventures of the Wilderness Family and the first season of The Adventures of Jim Bowie. Am looking forward to nice peaceful opportunities to read and watch TV.
I didn't make much on my check this payday. Just enough to pay $300 on rent and talk my landlord into working with me so I won't get evicted. He is willing, as long as I pay him $300 every two weeks until I am paid a month in advance. But, after buying 10 bus tickets and $15.00 worth of phone minutes, I only have $25.00 left. I am so broke. And, I have no food in the house.
On the bright side, I am losing weight. But, even that poses a problem, since I can't afford to buy new clothes.
Today, I ate at the Friendship Center. 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a bag of chips, a pack of cookies and a fruit cup. I was hungry. I saved my cookies for later. Later, I may go and eat supper at the Salvation Army.
I spent some time on the internet at the library.
When someone tells me it is not polite to talk religion or politics, then I assume that they believe it is polite to force ignorance on people. If you don't talk, you can't learn. If you don't ask questions, you can't get answers. I like being impolite if that is what it takes for me not to be ignorant.
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