It's time to wait. We've been waiting forever for "the time to be right", for when the "SHTF", for the right people to be elected. It's all we've been doing anyway; so, why not wait for the right reasons?
I believe that we are wasting our time if we think that we can place a new party into the political arena that will help us. Too much has already been lost. People are just too shocked and/or ignorant to admit it is too late.
We went over the hill and started the downhill slide the moment that God was taken out of our schools. That was His first slap in the face. This last one is Allah being put in schools where God once was, in the name of tolerance, which no one had for those who worshipped God.
Then they made it legal to murder unborn babies. This was and is the last generation of freedom seekers, crying out from the womb for their right to life.
Since then, we have made it a crime to display manger scenes in public places. Schools refuse to sing Christmas Carols with Christ in them. Christmas has become so commercialized that Christ is no longer even seen in Christmas.
Add to that the systemic taking away of our freedoms, as written in the Bill of Rights, starting with the 2nd Amendment. In order to have the right to defend yourself, you have to have permits to carry a gun, and they aren't allowed even in the most dangerous places. In order to buy a gun, you have to withstand a background check. Our privacy has been stripped from us in the name of safety and security. To top it all off, you can only buy the kind of guns they say you can own.
This war on Terror has made it mandatory that the government have permission to spy on it's own citizens. They listen to our phone conversations, read our emails, follow our work history and private club histories.
Our Churches aren't even allowed to endorse a candidate, even though it's okay for planned parenthood, which is supposed to be a non-profit organization, to do so.
We can't even protest without permission from those we are protesting against. Our right to petition our government may as well not exist, since they pay no attention to those petitions anyway. Our right to assembly depends on where we are assembling and what for. I just don't think the founding fathers had all this in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights.
We are forced to pay taxes to help women kill their babies. We are forced to pay for healthcare we don't have. We are forced to pay fines if we don't have insurance. And, the IRS can destroy your life if you disagree with the government.
This is not America the Beautiful, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave anymore. We have systematically become Amerika the Oppressed, Land of the Dependent and Home of the Cowards who bend to government rule. Even our Rule of Law is Dependent on who is in office.
I don't see it getting any better. I think it's time for a new plan. As a Christian, I think it's time to focus on getting to know our Creator and our Savior, and stand ready to die for Him, because that is just where this is all heading.
Oppression leads to persecution, genocide, and annihilation. It has already started. Most are just too blind to see it. When people in Michigan are getting stoned and the stoners are not getting charged with the crimes in the name of religious freedom, which Christians apparently don't have, it's over. Why can't people see that?
I don't mean to be pessimistic about our future. I just don't see it getting better. We are never going to get rid of all the laws we already have. We fight one law, only to be blindsided with a worse one that we have to fight. While we are doing that, we have left the one we were fighting in the first place so that it can grow stronger and more oppressive, and give birth to new, even more dangerous ideas against our liberty.
So, if we are going to wait, then I suggest we start waiting in the right waiting room. The only thing that can save us now is God, and I've read the book. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
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