David was with Achish when the elders of the Philistines came to him and advised him against letting David go to battle with them. After all, they said, we are going to fight his own people. Achish trusted David, but did not want any discontent in his troops or any danger to their morale. So, he respectfully dismissed David.
So David returned to the Land of the Philistines.
This very well could have been David's chance to rid himself of Saul and his constant persecution. However, God obviously had other plans for David. With respectful objection, David did as he was told by the Philistine King. This kept David in the clear for anything that was about to happen. God did not want Saul's blood on David's hands.
This also got David out of being called a traitor to his own countrymen, even though he had worked diligently as a double agent, to secure his kingdom from the Philistines for when the time came.
The lesson in this, then, is that God knows the past, the present and the future. He allows us to be in places that will secure our future for His purpose. David was in a unique position for a reason. We will have to read further to see what God had intended by sending David back.
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