In the meanwhile, Saul also got his army ready for warfare; but, he wanted to know if it was worth it to fight, and God's Spirit had left Saul -- so there was no communication. Since God wouldn't speak to Saul, Saul sought out a medium who could talk to dead people. Previously, he had all those who had similiar talents put to death, so he had to promise her no harm would come to her if she helped him. He asked her to call up Samual, who was already dead and buried in Ramah.
Samual told him that because he was disobedient, he would lose the kingdom and die in battle.
The woman finished, then had to coerce Saul to eat to gain his strength, then he and his men left her company. Saul was greatly distressed.
The lesson in this is that not knowing is better than disobedience. It seems like Saul was trying everything he could to be the great king he was supposed to be, but all the wrong choices he made in pursuit of that goal prevented him from obtaining success. He failed to learn that obedience was all God wanted and required.
The sad thing is, I actually know people today who are just like Saul. It seems like the more they fight to dig themselves out of their holes in life, the deeper their holes get. The simple solution for people like that is to stop doing anything and let God work it out. However, their pride keeps telling them that their own works will be rewarded. After all, if they are good people then won't God reward them for doing it their own way? Unfortunately for them, God doesn't think like that.
To do anything your way means that you don't trust God, and if you don't trust God, then you are undermining His efforts in your life -- and there can no good end come of that.
I guess this is why some people have to reach rock bottom in order to climb up. God loves taking nothing and turning it into something. Until you learn to let go and let God, you will never see progress.
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