In light of the days events, I am very concerned with the way the news is portraying what has happened as some kind of attack that will only be prevented by Americans giving up their rights. I listened in as the FBI spoke of the "two types of terrorists' and how one of them thrives on panic with their web sites and serves to leak out information that will cause Americans to "distrust their government" etc...
It sounded like propaganda against sites like FLI, Sierra Times, WND etc. And, they were speaking of taking steps to stop "those type of terrorists".
I don't have to tell you guys that we are not terrorists. Nor should I have to explain that we don't put stuff on our site that can't be verified. I'm sure you saw the email floating around about the "interview" from the guy that supposedly got a call from an "un-named" government official who claimed that the government was involved in the attacks.
It sounded like a great story. It is newsworthy if it is true. Unfortunately, it's our word against the government without any hard evidence on the case. So, we will not be leading the nation into an uprising against the government because of it.
However, the fact that the government is negotiating ways to violate our individual rights for "Reasons of National Security" has me in an uproar. We should be asking questions such as "For how long?" and "When do we get our rights back?" and "With the sacrifice of individual freedom now, can we really say we are free?"
Our job as the alternative media is to get the public to ask those questions, while being sensible and calm in the face of the danger against our American way of life. We are not going to do this by yelling and screaming--and we are not going to do this by making threats. As media, we need all of our sources, even those within the government.
I still would like for my readers to focus on the news in your own communities as well, to report wrong-doings as always. (If it ain't Constitutional, it ain't right, even if it's done "For the Children") and to turn them in in a timely manner (so that good news does not become old news).
FLI will be covering the attack on our American way of life, each right that is violated, each story that comes out because of it, and we will not stop--even in the name of National Security. My philosophy is that if you have to give up your American rights as the result of fighting terrorism, then America has become no better than the terrorists they fight.
I hope you guys will still stand with me, and with FLI as we fight the terrorists from with-in.
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