A co-worker asked me if I would give her a ride home, since the busses are not running due to the sleet. She offered me $10. I told her she didn't have to pay me THAT much. She insisted.
We got out to the parking lot, and lo and behold, my windows are froze over, my wipers won't work because they are frozen, and it took FOREVER for the heat to get warm. The defrost wasn't working with the sleet still coming down, down either.
She gets this bright idea to pour bottled water on the windshield. No, that didn't work either. So, we're sitting there...waiting..."At this rate," I thought, "it will be dark before I get home."
What do I do? I call mom.
"Mom, I'm stuck in Wadley Parking lot, there is ice on my windshield and I can't see out of it. It's on ALL my windows. And I don't have an ice scraper. And, my wipers are frozen."
What advice does mom give me?
"Use your badge."
DUH. Why didn't I think of that? We hang up and I get out of the car. My co-worker asks, "What did she say?"
"She said 'Use your badge.'"
"Will that work?"
"I'm fixing to try."
In less than 5 minutes, we are on the road. LOL
Moral of the story: When all else fails, call MOM.
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