Monday, February 23, 2015

When all else fails, call MOM

A co-worker asked me if I would give her a ride home, since the busses are not running due to the sleet. She offered me $10. I told her she didn't have to pay me THAT much. She insisted.

We got out to the parking lot, and lo and behold, my windows are froze over, my wipers won't work because they are frozen, and it took FOREVER for the heat to get warm. The defrost wasn't working with the sleet still coming down, down either.

She gets this bright idea to pour bottled water on the windshield. No, that didn't work either. So, we're sitting there...waiting..."At this rate," I thought, "it will be dark before I get home."

What do I do? I call mom.

"Mom, I'm stuck in Wadley Parking lot, there is ice on my windshield and I can't see out of it. It's on ALL my windows. And I don't have an ice scraper. And, my wipers are frozen."

What advice does mom give me?

"Use your badge."

DUH. Why didn't I think of that? We hang up and I get out of the car. My co-worker asks, "What did she say?"

"She said 'Use your badge.'"

"Will that work?"

"I'm fixing to try."

In less than 5 minutes, we are on the road. LOL

Moral of the story: When all else fails, call MOM.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Humbling Thanksgiving

When we become thankful for every breath we take, every bite we eat, and every step we take...when we praise God even when we feel He is far away because, somehow, we pushed Him there...when we hope in spite of all doubt and fear that threatens to overtake us, and when we refuse to deny His love, His power, and His Sovereignty, even after we have found it difficult to talk to Him...

He will reach down when you least expect it and touch you in such a way that you have no recourse but to fall on your face, humbled, overwhelmed, and overjoyed, giving Him the Praise that your heart has with-held, and having faith stronger than ever that He is who He is.

Thank you, Father.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Moral Support and Encouragement

I have become acutely aware that there are some people in this world who want nothing more than to see you fail, to stay down, to wallow in your filth. Those are people that I try to stay away from, because, if they can, they will do whatever they can to impede your progress.

The reason they are the way they are is that they do not like to be proven wrong. They have already made assumptions about you and your life, and in their tiny little brains, they have determined that that is the way it should be. When you prove them wrong, and rise above their expectations of you, it makes them feel ashamed and embarrassed.

Nobody likes that. So, don't be one of those people. Don't assume the worst in people. Don't be negative. The Bible teaches that we are supposed to raise people up and rejoice in their accomplishments as we keep pushing them forward. Moral support goes a long way in the Kingdom of God.

Monday, February 02, 2015

The Issue of Faith

The issue of faith is, Does God have integrity? -- Dr. Tony Evans.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord -- Joshua

God said it. I believe it. That settles it. -- Bumper sticker

If God says it, folks, it's truth. It will come to being. It will come to pass. Nothing can stop it. It's there. Period. So, to have "faith" in God is to believe that He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and can do anything. The Bible says that with God ALL things are possible. To doubt what God says is lack of faith. It is the same as calling God a liar. It is the same as saying He doesn't have all the information. It is just like telling God that He is weak and can't help you.

God is. God told Abraham "I AM". If this is true, and if God is who He says he is, and can do what He says He can do, it's a very dangerous game to have a lack of faith in Him.

I choose to believe that God is everything He says He is, and that makes Him everything to me.