As the year 2014 comes to a close, I would like to say a quick "THANK YOU" to all of you who have made my year so wonderful.
First of all, God, who showed up and showed out when I needed Him most. He has been my Provider and my Comfort in troubled times. He has taught me to be content and to work with what I have been given to work with. And, I hope I have been a good steward. All I have is myself at this point, but God has proven to me time and again that that is all He truly requires.
My dog Milo, who gives me companionship and love on a daily basis, and reminds me that there is more than just me in this world to be concerned about.
All of you on Facebook have been my encouragement and means of ambition. Just when I think I'm sinking, someone comes along to give me a hand up. I thank God for your hands and your hearts.
The Ponder has been my source of interest from boredom, and my sole effort to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter how small the steps may be. God has seen fit to let those baby steps turn into leaps and bounds in just one year. I pray He keeps the momentum going for me.
My family, who reminds me of where I came from, and ultimately where I intend to go.
And the church, who continues to teach me (though I cannot go to my own church, I am constantly reminded that the Church is not a building or a place, but a movement of people who are the Body of Christ).
My job, who keeps me fit, and gives me a reason to wake up each day, and to rest on my days off. Without it, I would be lost.
And all my new friends. You remind me that I am not the only one who has a life, or daily struggles as well as victories to applaud. I love you all!
Thank you.
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