Today, New Year's Eve, is my anniversary. I have been single for ONE WHOLE YEAR today. And, I have enjoyed every minute of it.
The more time passes, the harder it is for me to imagine being in a relationship. I like this too much. And, my whole year, as hard as it's sometimes been, has been WAY better than the last 5 Years. And, much better than any other year where-in I was not single.
I have learned to depend on God for every little thing, and to praise Him when He shows up and shows out, and to recognize those times...which sometimes seems like it is every day.
I have been able to focus on my career, to put all I have in it, both at work and at home, without being reprimanded or resented for it.
I haven't had to listen to someone tell me I was wasting my time, or that my dreams won't amount to anything, or that I was interfering with their own life because of it.
God will never give me away, push me away or ignore me. He is everywhere I look for Him. I feel secure in His love.
And, I am safe.
Happy New Year's!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Bringing 2014 to a Close with Gratitude and Awe
As the year 2014 comes to a close, I would like to say a quick "THANK YOU" to all of you who have made my year so wonderful.
First of all, God, who showed up and showed out when I needed Him most. He has been my Provider and my Comfort in troubled times. He has taught me to be content and to work with what I have been given to work with. And, I hope I have been a good steward. All I have is myself at this point, but God has proven to me time and again that that is all He truly requires.
My dog Milo, who gives me companionship and love on a daily basis, and reminds me that there is more than just me in this world to be concerned about.
All of you on Facebook have been my encouragement and means of ambition. Just when I think I'm sinking, someone comes along to give me a hand up. I thank God for your hands and your hearts.
The Ponder has been my source of interest from boredom, and my sole effort to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter how small the steps may be. God has seen fit to let those baby steps turn into leaps and bounds in just one year. I pray He keeps the momentum going for me.
My family, who reminds me of where I came from, and ultimately where I intend to go.
And the church, who continues to teach me (though I cannot go to my own church, I am constantly reminded that the Church is not a building or a place, but a movement of people who are the Body of Christ).
My job, who keeps me fit, and gives me a reason to wake up each day, and to rest on my days off. Without it, I would be lost.
And all my new friends. You remind me that I am not the only one who has a life, or daily struggles as well as victories to applaud. I love you all!
Thank you.
First of all, God, who showed up and showed out when I needed Him most. He has been my Provider and my Comfort in troubled times. He has taught me to be content and to work with what I have been given to work with. And, I hope I have been a good steward. All I have is myself at this point, but God has proven to me time and again that that is all He truly requires.
My dog Milo, who gives me companionship and love on a daily basis, and reminds me that there is more than just me in this world to be concerned about.
All of you on Facebook have been my encouragement and means of ambition. Just when I think I'm sinking, someone comes along to give me a hand up. I thank God for your hands and your hearts.
The Ponder has been my source of interest from boredom, and my sole effort to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter how small the steps may be. God has seen fit to let those baby steps turn into leaps and bounds in just one year. I pray He keeps the momentum going for me.
My family, who reminds me of where I came from, and ultimately where I intend to go.
And the church, who continues to teach me (though I cannot go to my own church, I am constantly reminded that the Church is not a building or a place, but a movement of people who are the Body of Christ).
My job, who keeps me fit, and gives me a reason to wake up each day, and to rest on my days off. Without it, I would be lost.
And all my new friends. You remind me that I am not the only one who has a life, or daily struggles as well as victories to applaud. I love you all!
Thank you.
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Following Jesus with Joseph's Spirit
I remember when I was 8 years old and I had started to read my first Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Being determined to do so, because my Preacher said before I make the decision to accept Christ, I should understand why I am doing it, and that I should read the whole Bible. I was determined to understand why, because since I was a pre-schooler and my Grandma had first taken me to church, and I first heard the words, "Jesus loves me", I wanted to know who He was and why He loved me so much He died for me.
So, I started reading. I read every time I got a break at school. I read after my homework, and by the bathroom light in my bedroom at night when I was supposed to be sleeping...sometimes until 2 in the morning. My preacher had warned that there was boring parts, but if we read our way through it, later those boring parts that we didn't understand would come to light and we would eventually understand it as we continued to read, over and over again.
I doubt my preacher knew how seriously an eight year old would take his words. But, I did.
I remember sitting on our big chair in the living room, reading the story of Joseph from the Bible. My mom and step-dad didn't attend church at that time. But, they didn't keep me from walking down the road two blocks away every Sunday morning.
On this day, as I read the story of Joseph, and I got to the part where Judah offered his life in the place of Benjamin, and Joseph's reaction to it, I began to cry. The story was so beautiful and so inspiring. My mother asked me why I was crying now. All I could say was, "I love the story of Joseph. You should read it."
Joseph has always been my favorite Old Testament patriarchial story. Oh how I rejoiced when he was reunited with his father...and cried some more.
I was even more determined after that to finish the Bible. And, when I walked down the aisle to get saved, I was determined to follow Jesus with the spirit of Joseph in my heart.
So, I started reading. I read every time I got a break at school. I read after my homework, and by the bathroom light in my bedroom at night when I was supposed to be sleeping...sometimes until 2 in the morning. My preacher had warned that there was boring parts, but if we read our way through it, later those boring parts that we didn't understand would come to light and we would eventually understand it as we continued to read, over and over again.
I doubt my preacher knew how seriously an eight year old would take his words. But, I did.
I remember sitting on our big chair in the living room, reading the story of Joseph from the Bible. My mom and step-dad didn't attend church at that time. But, they didn't keep me from walking down the road two blocks away every Sunday morning.
On this day, as I read the story of Joseph, and I got to the part where Judah offered his life in the place of Benjamin, and Joseph's reaction to it, I began to cry. The story was so beautiful and so inspiring. My mother asked me why I was crying now. All I could say was, "I love the story of Joseph. You should read it."
Joseph has always been my favorite Old Testament patriarchial story. Oh how I rejoiced when he was reunited with his father...and cried some more.
I was even more determined after that to finish the Bible. And, when I walked down the aisle to get saved, I was determined to follow Jesus with the spirit of Joseph in my heart.
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
No man is perfect. No, not one.
My bus driver (he is a very out-spoken Christian) has been very hung up on whether God wants us to be perfect, and whether anyone who sins (regardless of Christ's sacrifice) will go to heaven if they keep sinning. He has been obsessed with this. Today we had a very in depth conversation about this all the way home. I told him that sin is inevitable. Everybody sins. No one is perfect. Yes, God wants perfection, but God also knew that perfection, for man, was pretty much unattainable, so He sent Jesus to die for our sins. He paid the price so we don't have to. He was still stuck on the "once we become Christians, we should be perfect". I corrected him, "We should STRIVE to be perfect, there is a difference. I don't think it's so much the sin that we have to worry about, as it is our reaction to our own sin." I had to leave before we could finish the conversation but he was interested.
It is impossible to be sinless. If I never sinned, I'd be proud of that. And, that is a sin. And, THAT would make me a liar, which also is a sin.
It is impossible to be sinless. If I never sinned, I'd be proud of that. And, that is a sin. And, THAT would make me a liar, which also is a sin.
Friday, November 28, 2014
The Greatest Birthday Ever Celebrated...
It dawns on me, the day after Thanksgiving, that our next holiday is Christmas. As I reflect on this, and remember what Christmas is all about, I am listening to praise songs about the birth of Christ on KHCB Christian Radio. Then, moving over to a more worldly thought, I think of my children and the birthdays they used to have.
When we were children, I am sure some of our best memories were the birthday parties that were held in our honor. It was a celebration of the fact that we were born into this world. On a more deeper level, it is a celebration of who we are. The fact that we exist -- that we are here to brighten the lives of those around us with our presence.
But, when we die, who is going to celebrate our birthdays? And, if they do, how many years will it last? It seems kind've strange to have a birthday for someone who is no longer there...
Then, my thoughts wander back to Christmas: The greatest birthday party ever celebrated; A party that has lasted for over 2,000 years. And, no matter how many people try to distract us from this celebration every year, the holiday has continued to grow and spread.
Christmas: The birthday of a man who came to earth, placed in a manger because there was no crib for him, who grew up and became one of the greatest men the face of the earth has ever seen or heard of. He was God's son, through and through. He taught love, Godly obedience, mercy, forgiveness and hope. Then, as humbly as he was brought into the world, he died being nailed painfully to a cross, with a crown of thorns on his head. His last words, before announcing that his job was finished were, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
And today, we celebrate His birth. We celebrate it, not because He was born, but because He existed -- then, and now. He is alive. His life is celebrated, not His birth -- just as OUR life is celebrated with each birthday that rolls around. At the end of our lives, our birthday parties are not celebrated. But, at the end of his visit to earth, HIS life was just beginning. Today, we see Him in every good thing that exists. And, on Christmas, we remember the sacrifices He made so we could, and we celebrate.
This Christmas, I pray that when you look back on your lives, and build memories with your families, you are able to see what the celebration is all about, and that you take as many moments possible to stop and Praise Him, because HE is what Christmas is all about.
So, let us all celebrate -- not just on Christmas Day, but on every day that leads us to it, and every day thereafter. And, on Christmas, let's all throw the best party we can in His honor!
When we were children, I am sure some of our best memories were the birthday parties that were held in our honor. It was a celebration of the fact that we were born into this world. On a more deeper level, it is a celebration of who we are. The fact that we exist -- that we are here to brighten the lives of those around us with our presence.
But, when we die, who is going to celebrate our birthdays? And, if they do, how many years will it last? It seems kind've strange to have a birthday for someone who is no longer there...
Then, my thoughts wander back to Christmas: The greatest birthday party ever celebrated; A party that has lasted for over 2,000 years. And, no matter how many people try to distract us from this celebration every year, the holiday has continued to grow and spread.
Christmas: The birthday of a man who came to earth, placed in a manger because there was no crib for him, who grew up and became one of the greatest men the face of the earth has ever seen or heard of. He was God's son, through and through. He taught love, Godly obedience, mercy, forgiveness and hope. Then, as humbly as he was brought into the world, he died being nailed painfully to a cross, with a crown of thorns on his head. His last words, before announcing that his job was finished were, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
And today, we celebrate His birth. We celebrate it, not because He was born, but because He existed -- then, and now. He is alive. His life is celebrated, not His birth -- just as OUR life is celebrated with each birthday that rolls around. At the end of our lives, our birthday parties are not celebrated. But, at the end of his visit to earth, HIS life was just beginning. Today, we see Him in every good thing that exists. And, on Christmas, we remember the sacrifices He made so we could, and we celebrate.
This Christmas, I pray that when you look back on your lives, and build memories with your families, you are able to see what the celebration is all about, and that you take as many moments possible to stop and Praise Him, because HE is what Christmas is all about.
So, let us all celebrate -- not just on Christmas Day, but on every day that leads us to it, and every day thereafter. And, on Christmas, let's all throw the best party we can in His honor!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
What I am Thankful for This Year:
It's not Thanksgiving Day yet, but I would like to say what I am most thankful for this year.
This year I started my job at Wadley Hospital. Here, in Texarkana, I can't think of a better place to work. I love my job, the benefits, and the people I work with every day, including the patients and the doctors and nurses. I am SO thankful, because God has placed me where I am, and it's ten times better than where I have ever been. I consider it my "retirement job" (if they will have me that long, and if my health holds out).
I am thankful that I made the decision to stay single, and that I am not with who I was with last Thanksgiving. My life, this year has been SOOOO peaceful, and I feel ten times more safe and secure with God as my husband and best friend.
I am thankful for my family, who I know I can lean on in hard times, and who shower me with blessings every time I am with them, just because they are there and they are who they are. I love and cherish each and every one of them, and the relationship I have with all of them.
I am thankful for my baby dog, Milo. He has brought me so much love, laughter, and companionship. God knew what He was doing when He sent Milo to me. I don't know how I would get along without him. He gives me a reason to come home every day, and has a very stabilizing effect on my everyday life. I love him so.
Finally, I thank God for all of you. You guys (and gals) have given me freedom from boredom, and a reason to keep going. You encourage me, inspire me, and bring out the best in me when the worst is just around the corner. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you guys to focus on for information, laughter, tears and just plain life. I never have to leave home to be with all of you (although it's nice to get out once in a while). I love each and every one of you, and look forward to praying for each of you as the occasion allows.
I hope you all have a very special Thanksgiving and have at least as many blessings as I have found I have this Thanksgiving!
Thank you!
This year I started my job at Wadley Hospital. Here, in Texarkana, I can't think of a better place to work. I love my job, the benefits, and the people I work with every day, including the patients and the doctors and nurses. I am SO thankful, because God has placed me where I am, and it's ten times better than where I have ever been. I consider it my "retirement job" (if they will have me that long, and if my health holds out).
I am thankful that I made the decision to stay single, and that I am not with who I was with last Thanksgiving. My life, this year has been SOOOO peaceful, and I feel ten times more safe and secure with God as my husband and best friend.
I am thankful for my family, who I know I can lean on in hard times, and who shower me with blessings every time I am with them, just because they are there and they are who they are. I love and cherish each and every one of them, and the relationship I have with all of them.
I am thankful for my baby dog, Milo. He has brought me so much love, laughter, and companionship. God knew what He was doing when He sent Milo to me. I don't know how I would get along without him. He gives me a reason to come home every day, and has a very stabilizing effect on my everyday life. I love him so.
Finally, I thank God for all of you. You guys (and gals) have given me freedom from boredom, and a reason to keep going. You encourage me, inspire me, and bring out the best in me when the worst is just around the corner. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you guys to focus on for information, laughter, tears and just plain life. I never have to leave home to be with all of you (although it's nice to get out once in a while). I love each and every one of you, and look forward to praying for each of you as the occasion allows.
I hope you all have a very special Thanksgiving and have at least as many blessings as I have found I have this Thanksgiving!
Thank you!
Monday, November 03, 2014
Are looks really a factor in this election?
by Shonda Ponder
November 3, 2014
The "Harkin commenting about Ernst's looks and how she responds" is the thing I hate about elections. Can't we stick to the issues? Who cares if someone says you are or are not attractive? And, the point I see in this is that Democrats are sick in the head to think that it is okay to refer to looks as being a commendation for anything. To me, as a woman (if you want to get on that "war on women thing", that is the WRONG thing to be focusing on when it comes to intelligent voting.
I compare it to dating. A single woman goes out to have a good time. There she meets a single (or otherwise) male who may want to get to know her better. A smart man would take stock of himself before approaching her if he thought she was worth it; which, too many times, depends on what he is after. What he is after determines whether or not she should (or will) accept.
Now, if he wants a temporary "fix" that might later lead to drama and heartache, he will say something like, "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life!" This will automatically raise flags for a smart woman because once he gets to know her, he may feel intimidated by her intelligence, expect less of her than she expects of herself, and try to keep her from ever growing beyond what he can see her as. Not good for a relationship.
If, however, he is looking for something better, he might strike up a conversation with her by saying something like, "I totally believe Obama is clearly misguided about women's values when it comes to staying home with their children. He makes it sound as if women shouldn't WANT to do that, and that he'd like to take that choice away from women if he could."
This challenges her to respond with what she really thinks, and I believe if a man is smart enough to start a conversation off like that, he's smart enough to know by her response whether she is worth taking out on a date. Furthermore, such a woman who has her priorities above her looks is smart enough to decide by his opening statement whether she even wants to engage in morally supporting a man who is willing to speak on what he believes.
Democrats who think women care about looks are perpetuating the war on women by using such abusive verbal attacks that are focused on making them feel insecure in their campaigns. If they really cared about women, they'd start asking women what THEY want. And Republicans who respond to it certainly have lost focus of their priorities.
November 3, 2014
The "Harkin commenting about Ernst's looks and how she responds" is the thing I hate about elections. Can't we stick to the issues? Who cares if someone says you are or are not attractive? And, the point I see in this is that Democrats are sick in the head to think that it is okay to refer to looks as being a commendation for anything. To me, as a woman (if you want to get on that "war on women thing", that is the WRONG thing to be focusing on when it comes to intelligent voting.
I compare it to dating. A single woman goes out to have a good time. There she meets a single (or otherwise) male who may want to get to know her better. A smart man would take stock of himself before approaching her if he thought she was worth it; which, too many times, depends on what he is after. What he is after determines whether or not she should (or will) accept.
Now, if he wants a temporary "fix" that might later lead to drama and heartache, he will say something like, "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life!" This will automatically raise flags for a smart woman because once he gets to know her, he may feel intimidated by her intelligence, expect less of her than she expects of herself, and try to keep her from ever growing beyond what he can see her as. Not good for a relationship.
If, however, he is looking for something better, he might strike up a conversation with her by saying something like, "I totally believe Obama is clearly misguided about women's values when it comes to staying home with their children. He makes it sound as if women shouldn't WANT to do that, and that he'd like to take that choice away from women if he could."
This challenges her to respond with what she really thinks, and I believe if a man is smart enough to start a conversation off like that, he's smart enough to know by her response whether she is worth taking out on a date. Furthermore, such a woman who has her priorities above her looks is smart enough to decide by his opening statement whether she even wants to engage in morally supporting a man who is willing to speak on what he believes.
Democrats who think women care about looks are perpetuating the war on women by using such abusive verbal attacks that are focused on making them feel insecure in their campaigns. If they really cared about women, they'd start asking women what THEY want. And Republicans who respond to it certainly have lost focus of their priorities.
Friday, October 31, 2014
The History of Hallowe'en
Today is that day that some people celebrate as All Hallow's Eve.
I have posted a link that you may find interesting regarding the History of Hallowe'en. Nowadays, our churches have traded in the Hallowe'en tradition for what has become known as "Harvest Festivals". And, though it is an attempt to offer an alternative to the more pagan aspects of Hallowe'en, are they still not paying service to the tradition?
When I was a kid, we usually had Hallowe'en festivals on the weekend before my birthday, or around the same night, as it was held on a Saturday. Every year, my mother enjoyed the cake-walk. If she won anything, it was to be used as my birthday cake.
I HATED it. Not because it came from a cake walk, which I really didn't care, but because every time she won, it was a CARROT CAKE. To this day I despise Carrot Cakes just on principle. Why, oh why couldn't she have won the Fudge or Chocolate cakes?
Anyway, I wish each and every one of you a safe celebration of whatever you are celebrating, or however you choose to celebrate. I prefer to sit at home and hope I don't have any trick-or-treaters.
I have posted a link that you may find interesting regarding the History of Hallowe'en. Nowadays, our churches have traded in the Hallowe'en tradition for what has become known as "Harvest Festivals". And, though it is an attempt to offer an alternative to the more pagan aspects of Hallowe'en, are they still not paying service to the tradition?
When I was a kid, we usually had Hallowe'en festivals on the weekend before my birthday, or around the same night, as it was held on a Saturday. Every year, my mother enjoyed the cake-walk. If she won anything, it was to be used as my birthday cake.
I HATED it. Not because it came from a cake walk, which I really didn't care, but because every time she won, it was a CARROT CAKE. To this day I despise Carrot Cakes just on principle. Why, oh why couldn't she have won the Fudge or Chocolate cakes?
Anyway, I wish each and every one of you a safe celebration of whatever you are celebrating, or however you choose to celebrate. I prefer to sit at home and hope I don't have any trick-or-treaters.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Op Ed: Fake Politics
by Shonda Ponder, editor
October 29, 2014
I was talking to a friend on the phone today about not being able to vote this year and how perturbed I was about it. "I wanted to put my two-cents-worth in there. I wanted to help get rid of some democrats in the Senate."
The conversation went to talking about campaign finance and attack ads, and the role of electoral college in elections. I asked him if he ever watched wrestling. I said, "You know it's all fake right?" He said yes, and wondered what that had to do with the elections. I said, "Well, these politicians bad-mouth each other in these attack ads, talk a good show, then go behind the scenes and shake each other's hands. So, if U.S. politics is as fake as wrestling is, it kind've makes you wonder what's REALLY happening behind the scenes."
The way I see it right now is, if we don't get rid of some politicians in the Senate and House, and replace them with ones who will defend the Constitution and protect us from things like ebola, ISIS, and an out-of-control budget, then we are doomed. If in this election, the American People doesn't act with their vote, and continues to act in the same way they did in the last two elections, then it's time to give up. This election tells all.
So, remember that when you go to the polls; and cast a vote for the Constitution for me.
October 29, 2014
I was talking to a friend on the phone today about not being able to vote this year and how perturbed I was about it. "I wanted to put my two-cents-worth in there. I wanted to help get rid of some democrats in the Senate."
The conversation went to talking about campaign finance and attack ads, and the role of electoral college in elections. I asked him if he ever watched wrestling. I said, "You know it's all fake right?" He said yes, and wondered what that had to do with the elections. I said, "Well, these politicians bad-mouth each other in these attack ads, talk a good show, then go behind the scenes and shake each other's hands. So, if U.S. politics is as fake as wrestling is, it kind've makes you wonder what's REALLY happening behind the scenes."
The way I see it right now is, if we don't get rid of some politicians in the Senate and House, and replace them with ones who will defend the Constitution and protect us from things like ebola, ISIS, and an out-of-control budget, then we are doomed. If in this election, the American People doesn't act with their vote, and continues to act in the same way they did in the last two elections, then it's time to give up. This election tells all.
So, remember that when you go to the polls; and cast a vote for the Constitution for me.
Shonda Ponder's Birthday Fund
My birthday is on October 30, 2014. I am barely able to pay my bills, and I am thankful that I was able to work some overtime in order to be able to enjoy some of my birthday vacation. (I took my vacation during this week). But, It sucks that I couldn't even afford a night on the town. So, I'm asking you guys to help me. Just one night of karaoke is all I ask. Would anyone like to buy me a drink? Use the Donate Button below to buy me as many drinks as you'd like!
Of course, if I get too much donated, I'll use the money to go have dinner or buy something nice I want afterward. I have left the settings so you can donate any amount you like ($1.00 per person is plenty!)
Of course, if I get too much donated, I'll use the money to go have dinner or buy something nice I want afterward. I have left the settings so you can donate any amount you like ($1.00 per person is plenty!)
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
God Speaks Through Dreams...Even Today!
I have issue with something that Dr. J. Vernon McGee just said in one of his recorded sermons (he has since passed, but his preaching is still heard on Christian Radio KHCB).
He said he didn't believe that God speaks to people in Dreams today. I find issue with that. I don't believe anywhere in the Bible is says that God will one day no longer speak to people any way He wishes to do so. Just because the majority of people are not receiving prophetic dreams does not mean that people do not receive them. Many receive them and throw them away, because they don't know how to interpret them, and don't want to make the effort.
People, the point I am making is that if God wants to speak to you, He is going to find a way to speak to you where He will be heard. And if that means He has to speak to you through a wrinkle in your shirt, He will do so.
I believe that God speaks through any way God wishes to speak...dreams included--and Dr. J. Vernon McGee was wrong.
God is not limited as to what He can do.
He said he didn't believe that God speaks to people in Dreams today. I find issue with that. I don't believe anywhere in the Bible is says that God will one day no longer speak to people any way He wishes to do so. Just because the majority of people are not receiving prophetic dreams does not mean that people do not receive them. Many receive them and throw them away, because they don't know how to interpret them, and don't want to make the effort.
People, the point I am making is that if God wants to speak to you, He is going to find a way to speak to you where He will be heard. And if that means He has to speak to you through a wrinkle in your shirt, He will do so.
I believe that God speaks through any way God wishes to speak...dreams included--and Dr. J. Vernon McGee was wrong.
God is not limited as to what He can do.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
A "Christian" man does not NEED a "Christian" woman.
I get so tired of seeing posts from men who say, "I am so lonely. I need a Christian woman to make me happy". (As if having a "Christian woman" would solve all of your problems). The truth is, the motivations for wanting that "Christian woman" is selfish, because from the moment she says yes, you are hell-bent on corrupting her Christian morals.
You see, the only way a "Christian woman" should ever say yes to a man is when that man is a "Christian Man" who does not need a woman, period, to make him happy. He should already be happy with what God has given him, and if he has God, he should not be lonely. A "Christian woman" wants a man who will lead her further INTO God, not drag her FROM HIM.
A Christian man who invites a woman to follow him should be directing her steps toward what he is aiming for, GOD. If she doesn't want to follow, then you don't NEED HER.
You see, a "Christian woman" does not NEED you or anyone else to make her happy. She doesn't look to a relationship for what she NEEDS. She has GOD to supply all of her needs according to HIS riches in Glory. If she "chooses" to be with you, it's because you provide her with something she WANTS. And the ONLY thing a real "Christian woman" WANTS is to be closer to God.
You want to know why she disses you? Re-read the above. And, if this post has offended you so that you immediately call me "judgmental", all I can say is if the shoe fits, WEAR IT.
This is why I am single by choice and choose to stay that way. I have been through the hell of having a so-called Christian man time and again who has done NOTHING to lead me toward God. I REFUSE to make that mistake again.
You see, the only way a "Christian woman" should ever say yes to a man is when that man is a "Christian Man" who does not need a woman, period, to make him happy. He should already be happy with what God has given him, and if he has God, he should not be lonely. A "Christian woman" wants a man who will lead her further INTO God, not drag her FROM HIM.
A Christian man who invites a woman to follow him should be directing her steps toward what he is aiming for, GOD. If she doesn't want to follow, then you don't NEED HER.
You see, a "Christian woman" does not NEED you or anyone else to make her happy. She doesn't look to a relationship for what she NEEDS. She has GOD to supply all of her needs according to HIS riches in Glory. If she "chooses" to be with you, it's because you provide her with something she WANTS. And the ONLY thing a real "Christian woman" WANTS is to be closer to God.
You want to know why she disses you? Re-read the above. And, if this post has offended you so that you immediately call me "judgmental", all I can say is if the shoe fits, WEAR IT.
This is why I am single by choice and choose to stay that way. I have been through the hell of having a so-called Christian man time and again who has done NOTHING to lead me toward God. I REFUSE to make that mistake again.
Monday, October 06, 2014
MLK, and Our Dream
If MLK were alive today, I wonder what he'd be doing? I bet he's rolling over in his grave right now. I bet he'd now specify what "character" means a lot more.
The first time I heard his "I have a dream" speech, I was in Mrs. Ross's fifth grade history class. I remember taking what I heard and meditating on it for days afterward. The man was a gift from God for a time of turmoil in the soul of our Country. It is so sad that after he was taken out of this world, others who should have carried the baton for him have perverted his dream...our dream.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Liberty, Under God NOT Allah
God does not condone the evil that is on this earth today, but He allows it because He loves us and wants people to CHOOSE to love Him. Jesus said "No greater love hath any man, than that he would lay down his life for a friend." (John 15:13) Then, He called us "friends". (John 15:12-15)
The Bible has a lot to say against people who would force you to choose something you are against. Only the strong survive in God's world. Only the strong will inherit the Kingdom God. Paul said it best, "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." (Ephesians 6:13)
Remember, God does not win souls through fear. He provides a way OUT of that fear through Jesus. (2 Timothy 1:7) There is no Saviour under Allah like that. All the followers of Allah want to do is kill, destroy and create chaos. There is no liberty under Allah!
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Peter 2:15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
The Bible has a lot to say against people who would force you to choose something you are against. Only the strong survive in God's world. Only the strong will inherit the Kingdom God. Paul said it best, "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." (Ephesians 6:13)
Remember, God does not win souls through fear. He provides a way OUT of that fear through Jesus. (2 Timothy 1:7) There is no Saviour under Allah like that. All the followers of Allah want to do is kill, destroy and create chaos. There is no liberty under Allah!
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Peter 2:15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
About Left Leaning Idiots
I studied sociology in high school and psychology as extra reading. One of the things that I learned was that uneducated masses of people tend to "follow the crowd" or "keep up with the jones's" because it's the "in" thing to do. Has nothing to do with what they believe, however the government tends to listen to them because there are more of them than there are of us for the most part. Most (even those who are educated) tend to shy away from politics and religion because it is too stressful to think about or deal with and causes personal problems between them and their peers, therefore, if all their peers are leaning left, they will too. The government wants to keep them happy so they will vote (which, again, is the "in" thing to do, not because they believe in what they are voting for) so they concede certain liberties from us all. Then, those on the blind side shut up for awhile (after all, their pride will defend the actions that resulted from their own movement) and the only ones who scream are the eyes-opened educated minority who are then considered "extremist". Right out of the "Communist Manifesto": playbook.
Pray, and remember...
Pray for Saeed Abedini, and his family. He is still in prison in Iraq.
Pray for Patras Ghani and his mission in Pakistan.
Pray for Meshock Devanesan and his ministry in India.
Pray for our lawmakers, who have the power, if they so choose to stop this downward spiral our nation is undergoing.
Pray for our soldiers, that they may win their battles and return home to their families (pray for them, too) to a country that is safe and secure.
Pray for us, that we all choose wisely which side of the fight to be on.
Pray for those who are sick, in the hospital and otherwise...those who are disappointed at not being released when they hoped they would be as the sickness (whatever it may be) seems to win out in their bodies, pray for their healing and their strength, and if all else fails, their soul.
Pray for our families, that God enables us to provide and protect them.
And finally, pray for ourselves, that God gives us the strength to overcome whatever the world throws at us on a daily basis.
Above all, remember, God loves us all more than any man or woman on earth has the ability to.
Pray for Patras Ghani and his mission in Pakistan.
Pray for Meshock Devanesan and his ministry in India.
Pray for our lawmakers, who have the power, if they so choose to stop this downward spiral our nation is undergoing.
Pray for our soldiers, that they may win their battles and return home to their families (pray for them, too) to a country that is safe and secure.
Pray for us, that we all choose wisely which side of the fight to be on.
Pray for those who are sick, in the hospital and otherwise...those who are disappointed at not being released when they hoped they would be as the sickness (whatever it may be) seems to win out in their bodies, pray for their healing and their strength, and if all else fails, their soul.
Pray for our families, that God enables us to provide and protect them.
And finally, pray for ourselves, that God gives us the strength to overcome whatever the world throws at us on a daily basis.
Above all, remember, God loves us all more than any man or woman on earth has the ability to.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Get Paid on the Internet with Shonda Ponder
I started a new facebook group for those who would like to join me in getting paid on the internet.
Blogspot has deleted my Get Paid with Shonda Ponder Blog. So, I am going at it from a different angle.
You can join me at
Blogspot has deleted my Get Paid with Shonda Ponder Blog. So, I am going at it from a different angle.
You can join me at
Sunday, August 17, 2014
No one to blame but ourselves...
I was talking to someone the other day (I won't say who, or where I was, but the conversation was important enough I feel I need to share). We started talking about the ebola patients that were coming into the U.S. Then, the conversation got around to Israel.
"But, they have been fighting since the beginning of time. They will never quit fighting," she said. I then explained to her how this latest round of fighting got started. Three teenage boys, one of them an American. I explained how the Hamas was hiding behind the Palestinians, and why Israel is killing the Palestinians in the fire.
Then, not wanting to speak anymore about it, the conversation somehow went to the Border, and what should be done about that, and how Rick Perry has decided to deal with it. I voiced my support for Perry.
Finally, she said, "I don't like to talk about religion or politics. I don't want to have to choose sides."
I smiled. Then, as respectfully as I could, I told her, "You say that now. You feel that way, now. But, the time is going to come, and soon, when you won't have a choice. Those people who are coming over into our country from the borders? Some of them are terrorists. Soon, they will be coming into your yard. They will be killing your family, in front of you. They will try to kill you. You will be faced with a choice then. Do you listen to the government who tells us to be tolerant of Islam? Or do you fight to be the Christian God has called you to be? Do you welcome the illegal immigrants and give them quarter? or do you defend what's yours and demand they get off your property. You will die, one way or the other. Will you die on their side, or God's? The time is coming, and it's going to be here faster than you think. You, yourself, may have to witness and deal with it. You may have to suffer for your indecisiveness. So, just think about all that was said here today."
I remember about 15 years ago, when the age limit to buy alcohol in Texas was raised to 21. I went to jail on the DAY the law went into affect, because I failed to I-D an 18 year old in a sting operation in Austin, Texas.
A year later, I worked at another convenient store. There was a line of people at the counter and I was the only cashier that day. An old gentleman came with his six pack of beer.
The law was that you had to be over 21 AND have a valid Texas ID. AND. Not OR. And I didn't want to lose my job or go back to jail. The man was clearly in his 50s or 60s. I asked him for his ID. He looked at me like I was crazy.
I explained to him that I couldn't sell the alcohol to him if he didn't show his ID, and then I explained why. He shook his head in disgust and frustration, cussing me as he was walking out the door.
I stopped him. "Sir!" I said.
He stopped and turned around.
"I just have a question to ask you," I said. "Did you know that they were going to vote on this law before it passed?"
"Yes," he said.
"Did you call your congressman to tell him how you felt about the law? Did you write a letter? What did you do to stop this law from being passed?"
He shook his head, then answered, "I never thought it would ever happen here."
"Then you shouldn't be cussing me. It's YOUR fault you have to follow the law."
Everyone in line clapped.
It's the same premise today. If we don't secure our rights and our freedoms from those in our government who think we have too much, then when we can't fight back, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
"But, they have been fighting since the beginning of time. They will never quit fighting," she said. I then explained to her how this latest round of fighting got started. Three teenage boys, one of them an American. I explained how the Hamas was hiding behind the Palestinians, and why Israel is killing the Palestinians in the fire.
Then, not wanting to speak anymore about it, the conversation somehow went to the Border, and what should be done about that, and how Rick Perry has decided to deal with it. I voiced my support for Perry.
Finally, she said, "I don't like to talk about religion or politics. I don't want to have to choose sides."
I smiled. Then, as respectfully as I could, I told her, "You say that now. You feel that way, now. But, the time is going to come, and soon, when you won't have a choice. Those people who are coming over into our country from the borders? Some of them are terrorists. Soon, they will be coming into your yard. They will be killing your family, in front of you. They will try to kill you. You will be faced with a choice then. Do you listen to the government who tells us to be tolerant of Islam? Or do you fight to be the Christian God has called you to be? Do you welcome the illegal immigrants and give them quarter? or do you defend what's yours and demand they get off your property. You will die, one way or the other. Will you die on their side, or God's? The time is coming, and it's going to be here faster than you think. You, yourself, may have to witness and deal with it. You may have to suffer for your indecisiveness. So, just think about all that was said here today."
I remember about 15 years ago, when the age limit to buy alcohol in Texas was raised to 21. I went to jail on the DAY the law went into affect, because I failed to I-D an 18 year old in a sting operation in Austin, Texas.
A year later, I worked at another convenient store. There was a line of people at the counter and I was the only cashier that day. An old gentleman came with his six pack of beer.
The law was that you had to be over 21 AND have a valid Texas ID. AND. Not OR. And I didn't want to lose my job or go back to jail. The man was clearly in his 50s or 60s. I asked him for his ID. He looked at me like I was crazy.
I explained to him that I couldn't sell the alcohol to him if he didn't show his ID, and then I explained why. He shook his head in disgust and frustration, cussing me as he was walking out the door.
I stopped him. "Sir!" I said.
He stopped and turned around.
"I just have a question to ask you," I said. "Did you know that they were going to vote on this law before it passed?"
"Yes," he said.
"Did you call your congressman to tell him how you felt about the law? Did you write a letter? What did you do to stop this law from being passed?"
He shook his head, then answered, "I never thought it would ever happen here."
"Then you shouldn't be cussing me. It's YOUR fault you have to follow the law."
Everyone in line clapped.
It's the same premise today. If we don't secure our rights and our freedoms from those in our government who think we have too much, then when we can't fight back, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
A Terrifying Thought...
by Shonda M. Ponder
August 15, 2013
I remember when I was a kid, during the Cold War. There was a movie that came out called Red Dawn, starring Patrick Swayze. The thought of Red Dawn actually happening was terrifying. Today, the enemy is ten times worse, and the thought of these terrorists invading our country should be more than terrifying--for the simple reason that once they do, they will never stop. No matter how many we kill, they will just keep coming. Perhaps they learned from our trip to Normandy.
The thing is, they are not afraid to die. In fact, they live to die. And, to torture those who they have no tolerance for is a rewarding experience for them. Our women and children will not be safe. Our men will have to watch as their wives get raped, and their sons sodomized, their daughters sold into slavery, and their loved ones buried alive, burned slowly for sport, spit on (although that is preferable to the rest of what will happen), beaten, skinned alive, beheaded, submerged in acid, and a number of other terrifying atrocities.
Once they are here, there will be no one to appeal to, but God. And, if you haven't listened to God before now, what makes you think He is going to listen to you now? The only thing left for you to do at this point is to join their religion, or die for your God, and hope that that's enough to keep you out of a worse hell than the one you just came from.
I don't mean to be gloom and doom, or sound graphic and insensitive, or hard and angry. But, I am. Because WE THE PEOPLE are letting it get to this point, and there is nothing stopping it from happening.
Reader beware: Our American pride and unified narcissism is going to destroy us all. We love our guns, our parties, our clothes, our homes, our food, our pets, our trucks and boats, and vacation spots and football games and schools...and our national symbols. Our pride in all these things is going to destroy us. When it is over, we will have nothing left. Maybe then we will learn to live to die, just like they do, because then, we will have nothing more to lose.
We are already slowly being infiltrated. When it happens, we will be able to do nothing but wonder how in the world things got this way. I can tell you how it got this way: apathy. It got this way because too many people continue to hold the belief that it will never, or can never happen here. If they would stop and take notice, there are a lot of "will nevers" and "can nevers" that have already happened just in the last decade.
Wake up, America! Before it's too late!
August 15, 2013
I remember when I was a kid, during the Cold War. There was a movie that came out called Red Dawn, starring Patrick Swayze. The thought of Red Dawn actually happening was terrifying. Today, the enemy is ten times worse, and the thought of these terrorists invading our country should be more than terrifying--for the simple reason that once they do, they will never stop. No matter how many we kill, they will just keep coming. Perhaps they learned from our trip to Normandy.
The thing is, they are not afraid to die. In fact, they live to die. And, to torture those who they have no tolerance for is a rewarding experience for them. Our women and children will not be safe. Our men will have to watch as their wives get raped, and their sons sodomized, their daughters sold into slavery, and their loved ones buried alive, burned slowly for sport, spit on (although that is preferable to the rest of what will happen), beaten, skinned alive, beheaded, submerged in acid, and a number of other terrifying atrocities.
Once they are here, there will be no one to appeal to, but God. And, if you haven't listened to God before now, what makes you think He is going to listen to you now? The only thing left for you to do at this point is to join their religion, or die for your God, and hope that that's enough to keep you out of a worse hell than the one you just came from.
I don't mean to be gloom and doom, or sound graphic and insensitive, or hard and angry. But, I am. Because WE THE PEOPLE are letting it get to this point, and there is nothing stopping it from happening.
Reader beware: Our American pride and unified narcissism is going to destroy us all. We love our guns, our parties, our clothes, our homes, our food, our pets, our trucks and boats, and vacation spots and football games and schools...and our national symbols. Our pride in all these things is going to destroy us. When it is over, we will have nothing left. Maybe then we will learn to live to die, just like they do, because then, we will have nothing more to lose.
We are already slowly being infiltrated. When it happens, we will be able to do nothing but wonder how in the world things got this way. I can tell you how it got this way: apathy. It got this way because too many people continue to hold the belief that it will never, or can never happen here. If they would stop and take notice, there are a lot of "will nevers" and "can nevers" that have already happened just in the last decade.
Wake up, America! Before it's too late!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Answer to Rick Perry's Revolutionary Idea
According to The Conservative Tribune, Rick Perry is calling on the American people to stand up and fight Barack Obama, saying, "It's time for us to start a little rebellion." Yes, Rick Perry, I agree. To say that Americans are "concerned" about the direction this country is taking is an understatement, if you ask me. But the question begs to be answered: what good is a battle of ideas going to do at this point? Haven't we BEEN doing that?
You speak of the Declaration of Independence, and King George, saying that Obama is another tyrant we must fight. Let's look at this for a moment:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..."
Is this not a "battle of ideas?" Have we not been out-spoken about our disagreements with his policies and executive over-reach and all the lies and backstabbing he has done? Have we not screamed when he murdered four of our servicemen in Benghazi, leaked information that got all of our heroic Navy Seals killed, forced us into deeper debt and indentured servitude for health insurance that doctors are now rejecting? And, of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg. It seems that scandal after scandal has enveloped the Oval Office, and yet, Obama still sits high on his throne, getting stronger by the day--nay, even hour.
Further into the Declaration of Independence, we (THE PEOPLE) read:
"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Governor, a rebellion is certainly needed, yes. But, not a battle of ideas. Ideas alone is not going to "alter or abolish" the present administration from the White House. And, there is certainly enough dead Republicans voting Democrat now to warrant the whole "Right to Vote" thing null and void, don't you think?
It's certainly time for a revolution.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
Have we not been prudent? I submit that we are overly "prudent". I submit that we have fought with our pens and our keyboards until our fingers bleed, wrote books, tried to educate others, and even tried to fight with-in the laws by using our court systems, and our Bill of Rights, which gives us the right to peaceably assemble and say what we want to say without fear of retaliation, and to petition our government for a redress of grievances. How is that working out for ya? How is that working out for any of us?
Hint: It only works when the powers that be do not ignore us.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
For those who do not know what it means, despotism, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, means, "a system of government in which the ruler has unlimited power". With his "I can do whatever I want, I'm the president" attitude, and then his executive stroke of a pen, Obama has certainly proved that he has "unlimited power" that WE THE PEOPLE did not give him permission to use.
Yes, Mr. Governor, it is time for a revolution. But, I'm afraid we are way past the "battle of ideas" stage.

You speak of the Declaration of Independence, and King George, saying that Obama is another tyrant we must fight. Let's look at this for a moment:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..."
Is this not a "battle of ideas?" Have we not been out-spoken about our disagreements with his policies and executive over-reach and all the lies and backstabbing he has done? Have we not screamed when he murdered four of our servicemen in Benghazi, leaked information that got all of our heroic Navy Seals killed, forced us into deeper debt and indentured servitude for health insurance that doctors are now rejecting? And, of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg. It seems that scandal after scandal has enveloped the Oval Office, and yet, Obama still sits high on his throne, getting stronger by the day--nay, even hour.
Further into the Declaration of Independence, we (THE PEOPLE) read:
"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Governor, a rebellion is certainly needed, yes. But, not a battle of ideas. Ideas alone is not going to "alter or abolish" the present administration from the White House. And, there is certainly enough dead Republicans voting Democrat now to warrant the whole "Right to Vote" thing null and void, don't you think?
It's certainly time for a revolution.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
Have we not been prudent? I submit that we are overly "prudent". I submit that we have fought with our pens and our keyboards until our fingers bleed, wrote books, tried to educate others, and even tried to fight with-in the laws by using our court systems, and our Bill of Rights, which gives us the right to peaceably assemble and say what we want to say without fear of retaliation, and to petition our government for a redress of grievances. How is that working out for ya? How is that working out for any of us?
Hint: It only works when the powers that be do not ignore us.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
For those who do not know what it means, despotism, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, means, "a system of government in which the ruler has unlimited power". With his "I can do whatever I want, I'm the president" attitude, and then his executive stroke of a pen, Obama has certainly proved that he has "unlimited power" that WE THE PEOPLE did not give him permission to use.
Yes, Mr. Governor, it is time for a revolution. But, I'm afraid we are way past the "battle of ideas" stage.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Gun Control Kills Kids
Written by Shonda Ponder
on September 12, 2009
On Monday, in Santee, California, a school shooting took place where a gunman killed one person and injured 14 more. In the aftermath of this tragic incident, I feel it is time to say a few words.
According to MSNBC the "gunman" was, in fact, a 15-year-old student. This student had been the target of cruel behavior by other students in the school. I say the fault lies within the law itself, rather than the lack of law.
There are several reasons that I come to this conclusion, and I am asking that you would bear with me for an instance while I outline my apparently "twisted" way of thinking so that you can come to a good understanding of the thought process behind it. Although, I am sure many of you will still say that I am crazy for having such a twisted mindset.
If I had got into a fight at school, I would have got a paddle on my behind, not to mention the belt on my butt when my mom read the note written by the teacher afterward. Now days, teachers are not allowed to paddle a child for the most part. And parents are accused of abuse if they spank their children for fighting. So what option did this boy have?
Homeschooling would have worked. But, in California the homeschoolers are faced with fear due to the many laws that are designed to keep children in compulsary attendence at public schools. As a result, many parents have to fear each day as they send their child off to school and pray that their child comes home alive. For at least one person today, that prayer was not enough.
Then there are the "no tolerance" zones. Weapons are not allowed on school property. So, the "gunman" knew that there would be no retaliation while he went on his rampage. In Israel, teachers are required to carry guns with them to school. Once that law had been enacted, the terrorism in the schools stopped. In America, a teacher would go to the federal penitentiary for daring to have a means of defending himself. And the terrorism statistics are sky-high.
Yet, in the aftermath of this tragedy we hear things like, "All I can personally say is here is another nail in the coffin of those who say we do not need gun control."
No kidding. I got it in an email. My response to this is that all I can say is if the "gunman" had known that a teacher or two had a gun to defend herself with, he would have thought twice about attempting such an endeavor. How so? he would have not wanted to get shot at. A gunman who would take a gun onto school property KNOWING that those kids and teachers have NO way of defending himself is cowardly to say the least.
How come there are no murders like this reported on gun ranges? Because gunmen KNOW better than to try. Show me the statistics that tell me that guns are such a problem by comparing the rate of murders attempted at gun shows and gun ranges to those that are attempted at schools. I'll bet you will find that the rate of murders at gun ranges are considerly non-existent compared to anywhere guns are not allowed. And, then tell me that guns are the problem.
I have a hard time believing that a child who is well educated, which apparently the schools fail to do as evidenced by this, and is well disciplined would do such a thing.
All of this has led to my analysis, which is the only one that makes sense to me at this point in time:
Gun control kills kids.
on September 12, 2009
On Monday, in Santee, California, a school shooting took place where a gunman killed one person and injured 14 more. In the aftermath of this tragic incident, I feel it is time to say a few words.
According to MSNBC the "gunman" was, in fact, a 15-year-old student. This student had been the target of cruel behavior by other students in the school. I say the fault lies within the law itself, rather than the lack of law.
There are several reasons that I come to this conclusion, and I am asking that you would bear with me for an instance while I outline my apparently "twisted" way of thinking so that you can come to a good understanding of the thought process behind it. Although, I am sure many of you will still say that I am crazy for having such a twisted mindset.
If I had got into a fight at school, I would have got a paddle on my behind, not to mention the belt on my butt when my mom read the note written by the teacher afterward. Now days, teachers are not allowed to paddle a child for the most part. And parents are accused of abuse if they spank their children for fighting. So what option did this boy have?
Homeschooling would have worked. But, in California the homeschoolers are faced with fear due to the many laws that are designed to keep children in compulsary attendence at public schools. As a result, many parents have to fear each day as they send their child off to school and pray that their child comes home alive. For at least one person today, that prayer was not enough.
Then there are the "no tolerance" zones. Weapons are not allowed on school property. So, the "gunman" knew that there would be no retaliation while he went on his rampage. In Israel, teachers are required to carry guns with them to school. Once that law had been enacted, the terrorism in the schools stopped. In America, a teacher would go to the federal penitentiary for daring to have a means of defending himself. And the terrorism statistics are sky-high.
Yet, in the aftermath of this tragedy we hear things like, "All I can personally say is here is another nail in the coffin of those who say we do not need gun control."
No kidding. I got it in an email. My response to this is that all I can say is if the "gunman" had known that a teacher or two had a gun to defend herself with, he would have thought twice about attempting such an endeavor. How so? he would have not wanted to get shot at. A gunman who would take a gun onto school property KNOWING that those kids and teachers have NO way of defending himself is cowardly to say the least.
How come there are no murders like this reported on gun ranges? Because gunmen KNOW better than to try. Show me the statistics that tell me that guns are such a problem by comparing the rate of murders attempted at gun shows and gun ranges to those that are attempted at schools. I'll bet you will find that the rate of murders at gun ranges are considerly non-existent compared to anywhere guns are not allowed. And, then tell me that guns are the problem.
I have a hard time believing that a child who is well educated, which apparently the schools fail to do as evidenced by this, and is well disciplined would do such a thing.
All of this has led to my analysis, which is the only one that makes sense to me at this point in time:
Gun control kills kids.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
When you remember me...
By Shonda M. Ponder
Written on July 27, 2014
In the end, when you remember me
What will you remember the most?
Will it be that I had struggles,
As you raise your glass in toast?
Or will it be that I was happy
Contented and at Peace,
Because my Savior was there to pick me up
When I'd fallen to my knees?
I think of how I want my death
To glorify my life
I'd like to end in victory
Over the daily strife
I'd like my friends to not forget
When I had nothing, yet had everything
And though I was not perfect
I was able to stand the sting
Of a world that did not understand
But watched me as I grew
And as my Father molded me
Into something totally new
I raised my hands in praise each day
That He would want such trash
To make a treasure that is priceless
In spite of nature's clash
I pray that as I finally lie
and my life is finally done
That every memory of me
Somehow reflects the Son.
Written on July 27, 2014
In the end, when you remember me
What will you remember the most?
Will it be that I had struggles,
As you raise your glass in toast?
Or will it be that I was happy
Contented and at Peace,
Because my Savior was there to pick me up
When I'd fallen to my knees?
I think of how I want my death
To glorify my life
I'd like to end in victory
Over the daily strife
I'd like my friends to not forget
When I had nothing, yet had everything
And though I was not perfect
I was able to stand the sting
Of a world that did not understand
But watched me as I grew
And as my Father molded me
Into something totally new
I raised my hands in praise each day
That He would want such trash
To make a treasure that is priceless
In spite of nature's clash
I pray that as I finally lie
and my life is finally done
That every memory of me
Somehow reflects the Son.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst
It's my opinion that while we should all "grab a sword", our preparedness should be more in the tune of preparing for a world in which Jesus is King, than in fighting a one world government. If everyone did that, do you realize the peace there would be in the world (and no need for the sword we carry)? We should not be fighting against armies of terrorists, but rather against the evil they represent: Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
The forces of evil can do nothing we don't allow. Pray with your legs. In other words, you don't pray that God will give you a job if you are looking for employment by just sitting at home waiting for one to come to you. You pray while you are looking. Pray while you vote. Pray while you take action of some kind. And, be prepared for the worst.
For those who are thinking that the rapture will save you before the worst happens, is the rapture pre, mid, or post tribulation? As a Baptist, we are taught pre-trib rapture, but as a realist, nothing in the Bible specifies this. Therefore, while we hope for the best, I think it is wise to prepare for the worst.
In truth, I think it was left out of the Bible for a reason. God did not want us to live too comfortably, with the belief that we are all going to be saved from the persecution that is to come, because it would facilitate apathy.
The forces of evil can do nothing we don't allow. Pray with your legs. In other words, you don't pray that God will give you a job if you are looking for employment by just sitting at home waiting for one to come to you. You pray while you are looking. Pray while you vote. Pray while you take action of some kind. And, be prepared for the worst.
For those who are thinking that the rapture will save you before the worst happens, is the rapture pre, mid, or post tribulation? As a Baptist, we are taught pre-trib rapture, but as a realist, nothing in the Bible specifies this. Therefore, while we hope for the best, I think it is wise to prepare for the worst.
In truth, I think it was left out of the Bible for a reason. God did not want us to live too comfortably, with the belief that we are all going to be saved from the persecution that is to come, because it would facilitate apathy.
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Mistakes are worth making!
I don't see how anyone can have any fun if they are always worried about what other people think. I fall on my face all the time (so to speak) in front of people. I've learned to get up, dust myself off, look at the other person and laugh and say, "Did you see that? What an experience!"
This invites them to laugh WITH me rather than AT me. And, if they don't, and want to go and talk behind my back, so what. I get talked about all the time, I'm sure. I just don't care. If I cared, it would cause drama and stress...I'm not even sure I know what embarrassment feels like anymore...
Heck, everyone makes mistakes. OWN it. Get over it, move forward with the knowledge that you may have made a mistake, but it is not one you will make as easy next time. Therefore, it was a productive mistake and one worth making!

Mistakes That Worked
Popsicles, potato chips, Silly Putty, Velcro, and many other familiar things have fascinating stories behind them. In fact, dozens of products and everyday items had surprisingly haphazard beginnings. Mistakes That Worked offers forty of these unusual tales, along with hilarious cartoons and weird and amazing facts. Readers will be surprised and inspired!
This invites them to laugh WITH me rather than AT me. And, if they don't, and want to go and talk behind my back, so what. I get talked about all the time, I'm sure. I just don't care. If I cared, it would cause drama and stress...I'm not even sure I know what embarrassment feels like anymore...
Heck, everyone makes mistakes. OWN it. Get over it, move forward with the knowledge that you may have made a mistake, but it is not one you will make as easy next time. Therefore, it was a productive mistake and one worth making!
Mistakes That Worked
Popsicles, potato chips, Silly Putty, Velcro, and many other familiar things have fascinating stories behind them. In fact, dozens of products and everyday items had surprisingly haphazard beginnings. Mistakes That Worked offers forty of these unusual tales, along with hilarious cartoons and weird and amazing facts. Readers will be surprised and inspired!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 2
Solomon set out to start building on the House of the Lord. But, because he did not have the supplies or the skilled workers available in Israel, he wrote a letter to the King of Tyre for help.
The King of Tyre had helped David to build his own house, and now Solomon asked him to renew that friendship with him, in his dad's place. He offered to pay Tyre for the work that they offered in helping to build the Temple of the Lord.
Tyre wrote Solomon back and told him he would, indeed do as he asked. As a bonus, he sent a man who was skillful in all kinds of work with the gold, silver, brass and anything else that had to do with the construction of the temple. This guy was a quick learner, and what he didn't know he would be willing to learn as quickly as possible. God gifted this man greatly. This man just happened to be the son of an Israelite, who was a member of the House of Dan. The woman had married a man from Tyre. This was obviously planned by God!
It was against the law for Solomon to take a census of Israel. However, nothing in the law prevented him from taking a census of the foreigners that lived there. So, he did so, and then, he planned accordingly and gave all the foreigners the hard tasks that prepared for the building of the temple. If you were going to be an alien and live and work in Israel, you were going to do it for the Lord!

The Temple of Solomon: The Glory of God as Displayed Through the Temple
The Temple of Solomon completes the trilogy dealing with the dwelling places of God in the Old Testament. Though this dwelling place was of a temporary nature, a timeless pattern was initiated. This study yields rich and precious truths concerning Christ and His church. These truths are tied into the New Testament as the church is presented as the "Temple of God."
The King of Tyre had helped David to build his own house, and now Solomon asked him to renew that friendship with him, in his dad's place. He offered to pay Tyre for the work that they offered in helping to build the Temple of the Lord.
Tyre wrote Solomon back and told him he would, indeed do as he asked. As a bonus, he sent a man who was skillful in all kinds of work with the gold, silver, brass and anything else that had to do with the construction of the temple. This guy was a quick learner, and what he didn't know he would be willing to learn as quickly as possible. God gifted this man greatly. This man just happened to be the son of an Israelite, who was a member of the House of Dan. The woman had married a man from Tyre. This was obviously planned by God!
It was against the law for Solomon to take a census of Israel. However, nothing in the law prevented him from taking a census of the foreigners that lived there. So, he did so, and then, he planned accordingly and gave all the foreigners the hard tasks that prepared for the building of the temple. If you were going to be an alien and live and work in Israel, you were going to do it for the Lord!
The Temple of Solomon: The Glory of God as Displayed Through the Temple
The Temple of Solomon completes the trilogy dealing with the dwelling places of God in the Old Testament. Though this dwelling place was of a temporary nature, a timeless pattern was initiated. This study yields rich and precious truths concerning Christ and His church. These truths are tied into the New Testament as the church is presented as the "Temple of God."
Friday, June 27, 2014
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 1
After Solomon became king, "God magnified him exceedingly". He became very popular. He had a reputation that exceeded the borders of his kingdom. Kings and Queens from lands far away heard of him and sought to meet with him. People who were not even of his own land respected and revered him, because he followed his father's teaching, and he worshipped the One True God with all his might.
He probably felt overwhelmed, being of such a young age and having been made King of Israel. When his own beloved father passed away, he sought comfort in the one his father had told him about that would never leave him, if he chose to be righteous and follow Him.
Overwhelmed and thankful for God's guidance because of his success, he sacrificed in front of his people, and worshipped God in a public setting, not hiding his faith or his dependence on the One True King over all.
7 In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.
8 And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast shewed great mercy unto David my father, and hast made me to reign in his stead.
9 Now, O LORD God, let thy promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude.
10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?
11 And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king:
12 Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.
God loved Solomon for his dependence on Him, and his humbleness of spirit, in spite of his station in life. And, because of his humbleness, gratitude and determination to credit God for his support, God determined to give Solomon all he could ever want or ask for, as well as wisdom and knowledge that he would need to keep it.
As children of God, we must never forget who gave us the gifts that we have, and we must never forget to honor and credit Him for it. If we do so, continually, never forgetting where we came from, God will bless us abundantly more than we could ever hope or ask for.

SOLOMON: The Reign of the Wisest King in the World in 3D Illustrations
The book shows us the basic moments of a governing in ancient ISRAEL by King SOLOMON, depicting his life and work, coronation, politics, economics, building of The Temple, forts and cities, reconstruction of the army and trading, fleet construction, peace and cooperation with other countries. Richly illustrated, the book inspires any teen's fantasia, letting them to adopt all stories nicely and easily.
He probably felt overwhelmed, being of such a young age and having been made King of Israel. When his own beloved father passed away, he sought comfort in the one his father had told him about that would never leave him, if he chose to be righteous and follow Him.
Overwhelmed and thankful for God's guidance because of his success, he sacrificed in front of his people, and worshipped God in a public setting, not hiding his faith or his dependence on the One True King over all.
God loved Solomon for his dependence on Him, and his humbleness of spirit, in spite of his station in life. And, because of his humbleness, gratitude and determination to credit God for his support, God determined to give Solomon all he could ever want or ask for, as well as wisdom and knowledge that he would need to keep it.
As children of God, we must never forget who gave us the gifts that we have, and we must never forget to honor and credit Him for it. If we do so, continually, never forgetting where we came from, God will bless us abundantly more than we could ever hope or ask for.
SOLOMON: The Reign of the Wisest King in the World in 3D Illustrations
The book shows us the basic moments of a governing in ancient ISRAEL by King SOLOMON, depicting his life and work, coronation, politics, economics, building of The Temple, forts and cities, reconstruction of the army and trading, fleet construction, peace and cooperation with other countries. Richly illustrated, the book inspires any teen's fantasia, letting them to adopt all stories nicely and easily.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Home Remedy for Gall Stones?
I thought it was just getting old. You know, the cricks and pops in the mornings when you get up? I thought it was normal for me to feel that way at 45 years of age. It's been slowly growing worse over the last five or so years...then, when I would get off work, I'd be so tired I just wanted to plop down on my chair and not move. My feet hurt. My back...between my shoulder blades...shoulder...neck...and my hip always feeling like I needed to find a way to pop it. I thought it was just hard work and the stress of the day. Maybe it was. Or, maybe it was a symptom of a different problem: gall stones.
After my last attack -- you know, the one that ended me up in the emergency room crying out for my momma in pain? -- It was confirmed that I have gall stones. However, my liver and kidneys and everything else is "healthy, and on the high side of normal" (whatever that means). At any rate, it means I'm not going to get an emergency operation without insurance. I either have to change my diet or suffer, or both.
So, I searched the internet for those home remedies. I'm willing to try anything to keep from spending another $4,000, not to mention what it will cost for the operation.
I bought all the stuff, but didn't have the nerve to try it out until Saturday.
I went to Panda's Chinese Buffet. I stuffed myself with all that spicy, high-cholesterol ridden food. I felt it hanging in my chest. I just knew I was going to have another attack. It was coming. So, I drank a shot of apple cider vinegar when I got home that night.
On Sunday morning, I took 3 Tablespoons of 100% Lemon juice. After dinner, I took a half a shot of apple cider vinegar and a half a shot of olive oil, mixed it and downed it. Just before bed, I took 3 teaspoons of epsom salt and a cup of warm water and mixed it and downed it.
I drank 8 to ten cups of water throughout the day.
This morning, I woke up with NO pain ANYWHERE. I have felt better all day than I have felt in the past ten years. I wasn't even dead tired when I got off work today. I feel younger; more energetic; ready to take on the world!
There you have it folks!
I am told I should do this about 3 days. Then, once about every two to three weeks or as needed. I sure want to keep feeling this way!
Of course, a low-cholesterol, high fiber diet is good to do along with that, too...but I just can't eat oatmeal without butter and sugar.

How to Get Finally Rid of Gallstones and Get Your Life Back! (Pass Your Gallstones Without Drugs or Surgery)
After my last attack -- you know, the one that ended me up in the emergency room crying out for my momma in pain? -- It was confirmed that I have gall stones. However, my liver and kidneys and everything else is "healthy, and on the high side of normal" (whatever that means). At any rate, it means I'm not going to get an emergency operation without insurance. I either have to change my diet or suffer, or both.
So, I searched the internet for those home remedies. I'm willing to try anything to keep from spending another $4,000, not to mention what it will cost for the operation.
I bought all the stuff, but didn't have the nerve to try it out until Saturday.
I went to Panda's Chinese Buffet. I stuffed myself with all that spicy, high-cholesterol ridden food. I felt it hanging in my chest. I just knew I was going to have another attack. It was coming. So, I drank a shot of apple cider vinegar when I got home that night.
On Sunday morning, I took 3 Tablespoons of 100% Lemon juice. After dinner, I took a half a shot of apple cider vinegar and a half a shot of olive oil, mixed it and downed it. Just before bed, I took 3 teaspoons of epsom salt and a cup of warm water and mixed it and downed it.
I drank 8 to ten cups of water throughout the day.
This morning, I woke up with NO pain ANYWHERE. I have felt better all day than I have felt in the past ten years. I wasn't even dead tired when I got off work today. I feel younger; more energetic; ready to take on the world!
There you have it folks!
I am told I should do this about 3 days. Then, once about every two to three weeks or as needed. I sure want to keep feeling this way!
Of course, a low-cholesterol, high fiber diet is good to do along with that, too...but I just can't eat oatmeal without butter and sugar.
How to Get Finally Rid of Gallstones and Get Your Life Back! (Pass Your Gallstones Without Drugs or Surgery)
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
According to those silly Facebook Quizzes:
My life Motto is:
"If you can dream it you can achieve it" - Always dare to dream, because even though it's hard for you to believe it right now, your craziest, most wonderful dreams might actually come true.
If I were one of Snow white's dwarfs, I'd be:
I don't agree with this one, but I'm
The State I should be in is
Funny, since it's full of hot, red-blooded Americans, but Texas bills itself as "a whole 'nother country". If you like big, friendly and relaxed, it's likely that this big-hearted state is just the "nother country" for you.
My Epitaph reads:
"Here I lie... under protest"
When they tried to guess my age, they said:
29. You are as frightened as a cat on 4th of July when you think about the moment you're going to turn 30. Relax, 30 is the new 20! (I'm 45)
My Hippie Name is:
Ember Raven
If I were a dog, I'd be a:
Great Dane
You're genuinely humble and that makes you stand out in a crowded room. Everyone looks up to you and you're extremely smart, but you're still approachable due to your warm demeanor. Your elegance and class can sometimes make others feel humbled, but it's never intentional. You're the Great Dane, the kind ruler of your own kingdom.
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be a:
You are very charismatic and incredibly popular. People are drawn to your energy, but you are a very difficult person to get to know. You are very active. You are usually hard at work or play. You enjoy drama, and you enjoy anything unusual or eccentric.
The color of my mind is:
Of all the mind types, yours is the most impulsive. If you think it, you do it. And you can get the bug to pursue almost any passion. Your thoughts are big and bold. Your mind has no inhibitions. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about love, your dreams, and distant places.
If I were an alcoholic beverage, I'd be:
You are glam, sophisticated and live like a celebrity. You take great care of your appearance, and can often be seen in VIP bars across town.
If I were Disney Royalty, I'd be:
Princess Jasmine!
You stand out in a crowd with a beautiful, seductive smile! Although you don’t like to break rules you feel some rules are meant to be broken especially when your heart is involved! You believe in true love and that everyone has the right to be with the one they love! You love animals and being outdoors. You love romance and an honest, good hearted man. You can be the sweetest girl in the world but someone definitely doesn’t want to get you mad. Be proud of being one of the most beautiful Princesses Disney ever set pencil to :)
A two word description of me is:
Unconditionally Loving
It's the kind of love that has no limitations. And it asks for nothing in return. You genuinely love people for who they are. For their true and honest selves. Raw and unfiltered, this magical love runs deep through you every waking moment of your life. And the people whom you give it to feel truly lucky to experience your love in their lives!
My mind-type is:
Logical Thinker
You are an incredibly analytical thinker. You are driven by facts and logic. You like to see every detail before you make a decision or solve a problem. Knowledge is power. You don't get carried away with or overwhelmed by emotions. You are able to take things one step at a time. You can't stand to be rushed when it comes to thinking. Deep cognition takes time, concentration, and quiet.
In a past life, I was Aristotle:
Once a brilliant philosopher, my thoughts about virtue must have really stuck, because the life I'm living right now is impressively righteous, showcasing some serious self-restraint. Kudos to me for fighting the good fight... But I think you might need to find someone else to party with.
I'll add more later...

"If you can dream it you can achieve it" - Always dare to dream, because even though it's hard for you to believe it right now, your craziest, most wonderful dreams might actually come true.
If I were one of Snow white's dwarfs, I'd be:
I don't agree with this one, but I'm
The State I should be in is
Funny, since it's full of hot, red-blooded Americans, but Texas bills itself as "a whole 'nother country". If you like big, friendly and relaxed, it's likely that this big-hearted state is just the "nother country" for you.
My Epitaph reads:
"Here I lie... under protest"
When they tried to guess my age, they said:
29. You are as frightened as a cat on 4th of July when you think about the moment you're going to turn 30. Relax, 30 is the new 20! (I'm 45)
My Hippie Name is:
Ember Raven
If I were a dog, I'd be a:
Great Dane
You're genuinely humble and that makes you stand out in a crowded room. Everyone looks up to you and you're extremely smart, but you're still approachable due to your warm demeanor. Your elegance and class can sometimes make others feel humbled, but it's never intentional. You're the Great Dane, the kind ruler of your own kingdom.
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be a:
You are very charismatic and incredibly popular. People are drawn to your energy, but you are a very difficult person to get to know. You are very active. You are usually hard at work or play. You enjoy drama, and you enjoy anything unusual or eccentric.
The color of my mind is:
Of all the mind types, yours is the most impulsive. If you think it, you do it. And you can get the bug to pursue almost any passion. Your thoughts are big and bold. Your mind has no inhibitions. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about love, your dreams, and distant places.
If I were an alcoholic beverage, I'd be:
You are glam, sophisticated and live like a celebrity. You take great care of your appearance, and can often be seen in VIP bars across town.
If I were Disney Royalty, I'd be:
Princess Jasmine!
You stand out in a crowd with a beautiful, seductive smile! Although you don’t like to break rules you feel some rules are meant to be broken especially when your heart is involved! You believe in true love and that everyone has the right to be with the one they love! You love animals and being outdoors. You love romance and an honest, good hearted man. You can be the sweetest girl in the world but someone definitely doesn’t want to get you mad. Be proud of being one of the most beautiful Princesses Disney ever set pencil to :)
A two word description of me is:
Unconditionally Loving
It's the kind of love that has no limitations. And it asks for nothing in return. You genuinely love people for who they are. For their true and honest selves. Raw and unfiltered, this magical love runs deep through you every waking moment of your life. And the people whom you give it to feel truly lucky to experience your love in their lives!
My mind-type is:
Logical Thinker
You are an incredibly analytical thinker. You are driven by facts and logic. You like to see every detail before you make a decision or solve a problem. Knowledge is power. You don't get carried away with or overwhelmed by emotions. You are able to take things one step at a time. You can't stand to be rushed when it comes to thinking. Deep cognition takes time, concentration, and quiet.
In a past life, I was Aristotle:
Once a brilliant philosopher, my thoughts about virtue must have really stuck, because the life I'm living right now is impressively righteous, showcasing some serious self-restraint. Kudos to me for fighting the good fight... But I think you might need to find someone else to party with.
I'll add more later...
Sunday, June 15, 2014
I don't regret the past...
I have chosen not to look back with regret. Instead, I look back with confidence, knowing that who I was is no longer who I am; and, that is because who I was made me realize who I didn't want to be. I see myself today as the successful outcome of a messed up individual. After all, things could be worse. I could still be the person I was.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Things I discovered today...while fasting Facebook.
I miss my MS Word. So, I went online to see if I could find one that I could download for free. I found several, but they want me to download all kinds of other stuff I don't need in order to get it. It's annoying, so I opted out. Then, I decided, since today is about NOT being on Facebook, I would explore my computer. Lo and behold, I found a Google Chrome shortcut on my desktop I haven't used. So, I clicked on it.
I was so excited to find the Google Documents area that had the equivalent of Word, and EXCEL! Not only that, Google provides a place where I can store my documents online so if this computer ever goes out, I can still access them! WOW! The computer age has come a long way.
I know, it sounds stupid for me to say that, since I haven't scratched the surface of all I have missed out on over the last ten years. I am just excited that I see the opportunity to grow with the internet...and am determined to take it.
Fasting today, and giving up Facebook for 24 hours has really opened my eyes. I am glad I did this. It has given me new perspective that I really needed, and shown me how obstructive Facebook has really been for me. Don't get me wrong, I still love Facebook. I am still going to be using it A LOT. But, I need to back away from it more regularly so I can see other things around me that I can use and grow with.
Success! I can feel my creativity starting to flutter again!
And, no more using email to save my work!
And I can save pictures now!!!
I spent all day experimenting with forms, making recipe cards, and even signed up for a Fingerhut account (waiting on approval), and then shopping Amazon, playing with my wish list. I answered all my emails.
For lunch I had pizza rolls and snacked on pimiento cheese sandwich, and a loaded potato. Topped the night with what was left of my ice cream and chocolate syrup.
I reviewed using HTML for web design, and read the news some, and listened to Christian talk radio, and played a little bit of Fallout. I even wrote in two of my blogs.
I mopped my kitchen floor and cleaned the cabinets and sink with bleach. And, I reprimanded Milo a lot. He didn't mind. And, he didn't mind.
I made out a list of things to do and updated my grocery list, and made fresh tea.

Email me your comments
I was so excited to find the Google Documents area that had the equivalent of Word, and EXCEL! Not only that, Google provides a place where I can store my documents online so if this computer ever goes out, I can still access them! WOW! The computer age has come a long way.
I know, it sounds stupid for me to say that, since I haven't scratched the surface of all I have missed out on over the last ten years. I am just excited that I see the opportunity to grow with the internet...and am determined to take it.
Fasting today, and giving up Facebook for 24 hours has really opened my eyes. I am glad I did this. It has given me new perspective that I really needed, and shown me how obstructive Facebook has really been for me. Don't get me wrong, I still love Facebook. I am still going to be using it A LOT. But, I need to back away from it more regularly so I can see other things around me that I can use and grow with.
Success! I can feel my creativity starting to flutter again!
And, no more using email to save my work!
And I can save pictures now!!!
I spent all day experimenting with forms, making recipe cards, and even signed up for a Fingerhut account (waiting on approval), and then shopping Amazon, playing with my wish list. I answered all my emails.
For lunch I had pizza rolls and snacked on pimiento cheese sandwich, and a loaded potato. Topped the night with what was left of my ice cream and chocolate syrup.
I reviewed using HTML for web design, and read the news some, and listened to Christian talk radio, and played a little bit of Fallout. I even wrote in two of my blogs.
I mopped my kitchen floor and cleaned the cabinets and sink with bleach. And, I reprimanded Milo a lot. He didn't mind. And, he didn't mind.
I made out a list of things to do and updated my grocery list, and made fresh tea.
Email me your comments
Friday, March 21, 2014
Texarkana Freedom Rally
(This was originally written on October 21, 2012 by Shonda M. Ponder)
The Freedom Rally in Texarkana was very inspirational. The purpose of the rally was to encourage conservative Christians to vote. I had to attend, being a volunteer Patriot media representative, and I am happy to report on the events:
At 1:38 p.m. I arrived and sat on the lawn across from the post office and watched as people started to trickle in. The Texarkana Post Office straddles the State Line between Texas and Arkansas. Because of it’s unique location, it doesn’t have an address. It is simply listed as Texarkana Post Office, the United States of America.
There was Christian music playing through the loudspeakers in front of the post office. The Little River Patriots had set up an awning tent. Their mission statement was posted in front as “Recruiting, Educating, and Electing Christian Conservatives.”
Mike Landers, who was running for sheriff was campaigning in the next awning with shirts and buttons. “Mike Landers for Sheriff” yard signs permeated the grounds around the post office.
Slowly, more cars drove up and parked. People set up lawn chairs and were gathering in small groups, getting ready for the day’s activities. It didn’t look like a huge gathering, but I was encouraged by this morning’s Sunday School lesson on Judges 6-10. Gidean led an army of 300 men and defeated two kings, in spite of people who mocked him for being so small. God never uses large armies to do His will, only a small, very loud minority.
As the crowd thickened, I made a small mental note to be sure and have business cards made up when I get my new web site started. They sure would have come in handy, today.
The announcer welcomed everyone and said that a few of the speakers were still en-route and to just hang on and hang out with everyone for a few minutes longer.
Another red, white, and blue table was being set up under an awning with hats and flags. Ted Cruz for Senate was being promoted at one of them.
It was a very patriotic atmosphere. There were everyday people in shorts and t-shirts, sunglasses and smiles, laughing and shaking hands with the people around them. One man sat texting on his cell phone, on the steps of the Korean War Memorial, while children climbed on it and sat in the rafters with the statue. While more motorcycles, cars and trucks drove up, cameras and binoculars came out.
Pastor John Miller, of the Church on the Rock, gave a brief speech about the history of the flag, then led everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Then there was a prayer and one lady sang the National Anthem.
A Cuban immigrant named Raphael Cruz spoke of his journey to America, why he came here, and why he was so outspoken today. His story touched my heart. He spoke of his son, and how he would tell his son, Ted, when he was eight or nine, that, “I lost my freedoms in Cuba. If we lose our freedoms here, then where is there left to go?” He told the story of what his son did as a result, and how it has led him to running for the senate. Ted Cruz sounds like someone worth watching in politics.
To hear a Cuban immigrant speak so highly of my country, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was more than inspiring to me. It made me be proud to be an American by birth. As if that wasn’t enough, he then exalted our God and made me proud to be a Christian by choice.
Then Rick Scarborough of Vision America spoke. He told his story of how he got involved preaching politics from the pulpit. He advised that if you are part of a church in which the pastor is afraid of preaching about politics, fire him. Get one that will. He said it was time that preachers, who so love to be the light of the world, also be the salt. He finished by advising us to find a friend who shares our values and encourage them to vote. If we have a friend that doesn’t share our values, pray that he sleeps on election day.
Rick brought up the point that homosexuals only took up 3.4% of the population, yet they are pushing their agenda successfully on
(This was originally written on October 21, 2012 by Shonda Ponder)
America. If they are such a small minority and can get so much done, then we should have no problem taking America back. All it takes is a small, VERY LOUD, minority.
Again, I thought of Gideon and his army of 300 men who did nothing more than make a bunch of noise that frightened the enemy so bad that they panicked and killed themselves. I thought of Abraham using pots and pans to make a large noise and do the same thing when he rescued Lot.
Then a young man who majored in Political Science at A&M University, Noah Jackson, spoke. He quoted facts and poll results. He encouraged us to vote for Freedom. He’s another young man planning a future in politics that needs to be watched, and encouraged.
Curtis Coleman spoke next, encouraging us, as citizens, to stand up. “This election is not about choosing from right and left,” he said, “It’s about choosing from right and wrong!”
The last speaker was media personality Jan Morgan. She started her speech quoting George Orwell: “In times of great deceit, speaking truth is a revolutionary act!” Then she told us about how others have made threats on her life for speaking the truth to the public. “In order to speak truth in America today, you have to be willing to lay your life on the line!” She continued to speak, inspiringly, about how we are giving our freedoms away, and that it’s time to stand up and take back what our founding fathers gave us.
Morgan boldly advocated protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. “If we allow the government to strip away our 2nd Amendment rights, then we will have no way of protecting the rest of them!” She told us that, throughout the world, 170 million people have been annihilated AFTER the government disarmed them.
Morgan then spoke about Islam and our religious freedoms here in America. “I believe your religious rights stop when it advocates the murder of innocent people in order to promote it.”
She ended her speech with, “If you are afraid of your government, you are already a slave.”
I wasn’t planning on staying for the whole thing, but I’m glad I did. I even made it a point to shake Raphael Cruz’s hand and tell him, “Thank you.”
For those of you who didn’t show up, you missed a great gathering and some good messages. For those who did, I hope you are motivated to take what you have and use it to keep what you have been given.
The Freedom Rally in Texarkana was very inspirational. The purpose of the rally was to encourage conservative Christians to vote. I had to attend, being a volunteer Patriot media representative, and I am happy to report on the events:
At 1:38 p.m. I arrived and sat on the lawn across from the post office and watched as people started to trickle in. The Texarkana Post Office straddles the State Line between Texas and Arkansas. Because of it’s unique location, it doesn’t have an address. It is simply listed as Texarkana Post Office, the United States of America.
There was Christian music playing through the loudspeakers in front of the post office. The Little River Patriots had set up an awning tent. Their mission statement was posted in front as “Recruiting, Educating, and Electing Christian Conservatives.”
Mike Landers, who was running for sheriff was campaigning in the next awning with shirts and buttons. “Mike Landers for Sheriff” yard signs permeated the grounds around the post office.
Slowly, more cars drove up and parked. People set up lawn chairs and were gathering in small groups, getting ready for the day’s activities. It didn’t look like a huge gathering, but I was encouraged by this morning’s Sunday School lesson on Judges 6-10. Gidean led an army of 300 men and defeated two kings, in spite of people who mocked him for being so small. God never uses large armies to do His will, only a small, very loud minority.
As the crowd thickened, I made a small mental note to be sure and have business cards made up when I get my new web site started. They sure would have come in handy, today.
The announcer welcomed everyone and said that a few of the speakers were still en-route and to just hang on and hang out with everyone for a few minutes longer.
Another red, white, and blue table was being set up under an awning with hats and flags. Ted Cruz for Senate was being promoted at one of them.
It was a very patriotic atmosphere. There were everyday people in shorts and t-shirts, sunglasses and smiles, laughing and shaking hands with the people around them. One man sat texting on his cell phone, on the steps of the Korean War Memorial, while children climbed on it and sat in the rafters with the statue. While more motorcycles, cars and trucks drove up, cameras and binoculars came out.
Pastor John Miller, of the Church on the Rock, gave a brief speech about the history of the flag, then led everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Then there was a prayer and one lady sang the National Anthem.
A Cuban immigrant named Raphael Cruz spoke of his journey to America, why he came here, and why he was so outspoken today. His story touched my heart. He spoke of his son, and how he would tell his son, Ted, when he was eight or nine, that, “I lost my freedoms in Cuba. If we lose our freedoms here, then where is there left to go?” He told the story of what his son did as a result, and how it has led him to running for the senate. Ted Cruz sounds like someone worth watching in politics.
To hear a Cuban immigrant speak so highly of my country, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was more than inspiring to me. It made me be proud to be an American by birth. As if that wasn’t enough, he then exalted our God and made me proud to be a Christian by choice.
Then Rick Scarborough of Vision America spoke. He told his story of how he got involved preaching politics from the pulpit. He advised that if you are part of a church in which the pastor is afraid of preaching about politics, fire him. Get one that will. He said it was time that preachers, who so love to be the light of the world, also be the salt. He finished by advising us to find a friend who shares our values and encourage them to vote. If we have a friend that doesn’t share our values, pray that he sleeps on election day.
Rick brought up the point that homosexuals only took up 3.4% of the population, yet they are pushing their agenda successfully on
(This was originally written on October 21, 2012 by Shonda Ponder)
America. If they are such a small minority and can get so much done, then we should have no problem taking America back. All it takes is a small, VERY LOUD, minority.
Again, I thought of Gideon and his army of 300 men who did nothing more than make a bunch of noise that frightened the enemy so bad that they panicked and killed themselves. I thought of Abraham using pots and pans to make a large noise and do the same thing when he rescued Lot.
Then a young man who majored in Political Science at A&M University, Noah Jackson, spoke. He quoted facts and poll results. He encouraged us to vote for Freedom. He’s another young man planning a future in politics that needs to be watched, and encouraged.
Curtis Coleman spoke next, encouraging us, as citizens, to stand up. “This election is not about choosing from right and left,” he said, “It’s about choosing from right and wrong!”
The last speaker was media personality Jan Morgan. She started her speech quoting George Orwell: “In times of great deceit, speaking truth is a revolutionary act!” Then she told us about how others have made threats on her life for speaking the truth to the public. “In order to speak truth in America today, you have to be willing to lay your life on the line!” She continued to speak, inspiringly, about how we are giving our freedoms away, and that it’s time to stand up and take back what our founding fathers gave us.
Morgan boldly advocated protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. “If we allow the government to strip away our 2nd Amendment rights, then we will have no way of protecting the rest of them!” She told us that, throughout the world, 170 million people have been annihilated AFTER the government disarmed them.
Morgan then spoke about Islam and our religious freedoms here in America. “I believe your religious rights stop when it advocates the murder of innocent people in order to promote it.”
She ended her speech with, “If you are afraid of your government, you are already a slave.”
I wasn’t planning on staying for the whole thing, but I’m glad I did. I even made it a point to shake Raphael Cruz’s hand and tell him, “Thank you.”
For those of you who didn’t show up, you missed a great gathering and some good messages. For those who did, I hope you are motivated to take what you have and use it to keep what you have been given.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
An Alzheimer's Poem
I pray I don't have to go through this. It scares me, getting old...and, working at the hospital doesn't make my fear subside any at all. I can only trust that however I end up, it is God's Will, and where there is God's Will, there is God's Purpose.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Getting Paid For On-line stuff
What a dream life it would be if all I had to do was get up, fix breakfast, take Milo (my dog) for a walk and then sit down at the kitchen table in my pajamas and turn on the computer in order to make money to pay the bills! Well, that is a good dream, but it isn't reality. However, on-line money-making is great for a little Christmas money here and there. It's also great for going out money every now and then. Best of all, it's great for trying new things and socializing with people you normally don't get to visit often, and building a business. In the end, if you make a lucrative investment of your time and your effort, you may, in fact, be able to pay the bills.
I have done it all. The best way I've found to make money on-line is through a well-known and well-worked business website and affiliate marketing. But, this does not stop me from completing surveys (they give out gift certificates as well as cash rewards), or getting paid to read emails (those emails have lots of great information on where to make money online in them), or any other project that I may find interesting enough to try. If I am going to waste my time on the internet, I may as well get paid something for doing it -- even if it isn't much at all.
So, if you want to join me in the effort to make more productive use of your time, here is a list of places you may find interesting enough to sign up for:
Donkey Mails
Email Cash Pro
Email Pays U
Inbox Dollars
I have done it all. The best way I've found to make money on-line is through a well-known and well-worked business website and affiliate marketing. But, this does not stop me from completing surveys (they give out gift certificates as well as cash rewards), or getting paid to read emails (those emails have lots of great information on where to make money online in them), or any other project that I may find interesting enough to try. If I am going to waste my time on the internet, I may as well get paid something for doing it -- even if it isn't much at all.
So, if you want to join me in the effort to make more productive use of your time, here is a list of places you may find interesting enough to sign up for:
Donkey Mails
Email Cash Pro
Email Pays U
Inbox Dollars
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