When David went to Jerusalem, the Jebusites were there. They knew it was against Israeli policy to persecute the lame and blind. So, they told David that if he wanted Jerusalem, he'd have to go through the lame and blind to get it. David didn't have a problem getting rid of the enemy, lame and blind or not.
He made Jerusalem his home, and Hiram, king of Tyre, gave a gift to David by sending over his best people to build David a house. David had eleven more sons while he lived there.
When the Philistines heard that David was now king, they called him out in Rephaim. Before he went, he sought guidance from God. Then, he went out to defeat them. The Philistines then decided to spread themselves out more then call him out again. Again, David sought guidance from God, and again, he defeated them.
The lesson I got from this is that it is good to seek God's guidance in everything, because it is God who will clear all the obstacles out of your path. Remember, though, God wants it done His way.
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