As I clean bathrooms, waiting rooms, and patient rooms in the ER each day, I listen to the doctors and nurses all around me as they go about their business, caring for those who came there because they obviously could not care for themselves.
The hustle and bustle, tears, frustration, occasional laughter ... the overhead speakers calling for "Dr. Whoever" to pick up the phone, or meet someone in ER, along with faces and bodies running to and fro, updating each other about their patient's conditions so no misunderstandings in their care occur...It all reminds me of a heart-felt episode of M*A*S*H.
When they call for a clean-up job -- blood on the floor; someone puked; the bathroom stinks and needs attention; or the room is overdue for a terminal clean -- it's me that they call.
I don't mind. I stop whatever I am doing and I go do it. No one is going to get a contagious infection from their room not being clean enough on my watch. These Doctors and Nurses deserve to have the best environment for what they have to put up with, for what they accomplish, for the miracles they perform on a daily basis.
God bless our Healthcare Professionals.
They do a tough job...and they never complain.
They inspire me to do better every day.