So, I went to the store and bought some fake money. Then, I went by the liquor store to get a small paper sack.
It is late, and the store is about to close. I get to the counter and say, "Give me a small paper sack." The new guy behind the counter looks at me odd and gets a small paper sack. Then, to my surprise, he starts filling it up with money.
I asked him, "What are you doing?"
"Giving you a small paper sack."
"Yeah, but why are you filling it with money?"
"You might shoot me if I don't."
"I don't have a gun. I just wanted a small sack. Period. No money."
"Oh!!!!" He looked embarrassed. Then said, "You might better leave before the cops get here, then."
Sigh. The cops drove up right then. One of them came in after a few moments, with his gun drawn. The guy said, "It was a mistake. She just wanted a small paper sack. No money. I was here by myself. I was paranoid I guess."
I said, "NO DOUBT! I promise I wasn't trying to hold up a liquor store!"
The cop stopped for a few moments and then called the other guy in and told him what the cashier told him, and the other cop began to question me:
"You were just getting a paper sack?"
"Yes, sir."
"You had no intention of holding up the store?"
"No, sir."
"You don't have a weapon of any kind?"
"No, sir. I'm not even carrying a purse."
"What did you want the sack for?"
Oh, man. how was I gonna tell him I wanted to give my step-dad a bag of dollar bills for Father's Day?
(this IS NOT A TRUE STORY. I JUST THOUGHT WITH ALL THE CURRENT PARANOIA GOING AROUND, IT FIT. I started thinking, "what if..." LOL I thought I'd share... I read this to my step dad today to explain why he didn't get his bag of dollar bills. He totally enjoyed it!)