Friday, October 31, 2014

The History of Hallowe'en

Today is that day that some people celebrate as All Hallow's Eve.

I have posted a link that you may find interesting regarding the History of Hallowe'en. Nowadays, our churches have traded in the Hallowe'en tradition for what has become known as "Harvest Festivals". And, though it is an attempt to offer an alternative to the more pagan aspects of Hallowe'en, are they still not paying service to the tradition?

When I was a kid, we usually had Hallowe'en festivals on the weekend before my birthday, or around the same night, as it was held on a Saturday. Every year, my mother enjoyed the cake-walk. If she won anything, it was to be used as my birthday cake.

I HATED it. Not because it came from a cake walk, which I really didn't care, but because every time she won, it was a CARROT CAKE. To this day I despise Carrot Cakes just on principle. Why, oh why couldn't she have won the Fudge or Chocolate cakes?

Anyway, I wish each and every one of you a safe celebration of whatever you are celebrating, or however you choose to celebrate. I prefer to sit at home and hope I don't have any trick-or-treaters.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Op Ed: Fake Politics

by Shonda Ponder, editor
October 29, 2014

I was talking to a friend on the phone today about not being able to vote this year and how perturbed I was about it. "I wanted to put my two-cents-worth in there. I wanted to help get rid of some democrats in the Senate."

The conversation went to talking about campaign finance and attack ads, and the role of electoral college in elections. I asked him if he ever watched wrestling. I said, "You know it's all fake right?" He said yes, and wondered what that had to do with the elections. I said, "Well, these politicians bad-mouth each other in these attack ads, talk a good show, then go behind the scenes and shake each other's hands. So, if U.S. politics is as fake as wrestling is, it kind've makes you wonder what's REALLY happening behind the scenes."

The way I see it right now is, if we don't get rid of some politicians in the Senate and House, and replace them with ones who will defend the Constitution and protect us from things like ebola, ISIS, and an out-of-control budget, then we are doomed. If in this election, the American People doesn't act with their vote, and continues to act in the same way they did in the last two elections, then it's time to give up. This election tells all.

So, remember that when you go to the polls; and cast a vote for the Constitution for me.

Shonda Ponder's Birthday Fund

My birthday is on October 30, 2014. I am barely able to pay my bills, and I am thankful that I was able to work some overtime in order to be able to enjoy some of my birthday vacation. (I took my vacation during this week). But, It sucks that I couldn't even afford a night on the town. So, I'm asking you guys to help me. Just one night of karaoke is all I ask. Would anyone like to buy me a drink? Use the Donate Button below to buy me as many drinks as you'd like!

Of course, if I get too much donated, I'll use the money to go have dinner or buy something nice I want afterward. I have left the settings so you can donate any amount you like ($1.00 per person is plenty!)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

God Speaks Through Dreams...Even Today!

I have issue with something that Dr. J. Vernon McGee just said in one of his recorded sermons (he has since passed, but his preaching is still heard on Christian Radio KHCB).

He said he didn't believe that God speaks to people in Dreams today. I find issue with that. I don't believe anywhere in the Bible is says that God will one day no longer speak to people any way He wishes to do so. Just because the majority of people are not receiving prophetic dreams does not mean that people do not receive them. Many receive them and throw them away, because they don't know how to interpret them, and don't want to make the effort.

People, the point I am making is that if God wants to speak to you, He is going to find a way to speak to you where He will be heard. And if that means He has to speak to you through a wrinkle in your shirt, He will do so.

I believe that God speaks through any way God wishes to speak...dreams included--and Dr. J. Vernon McGee was wrong.

God is not limited as to what He can do.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

A "Christian" man does not NEED a "Christian" woman.

I get so tired of seeing posts from men who say, "I am so lonely. I need a Christian woman to make me happy". (As if having a "Christian woman" would solve all of your problems). The truth is, the motivations for wanting that "Christian woman" is selfish, because from the moment she says yes, you are hell-bent on corrupting her Christian morals.

You see, the only way a "Christian woman" should ever say yes to a man is when that man is a "Christian Man" who does not need a woman, period, to make him happy. He should already be happy with what God has given him, and if he has God, he should not be lonely. A "Christian woman" wants a man who will lead her further INTO God, not drag her FROM HIM.

A Christian man who invites a woman to follow him should be directing her steps toward what he is aiming for, GOD. If she doesn't want to follow, then you don't NEED HER.


You see, a "Christian woman" does not NEED you or anyone else to make her happy. She doesn't look to a relationship for what she NEEDS. She has GOD to supply all of her needs according to HIS riches in Glory. If she "chooses" to be with you, it's because you provide her with something she WANTS. And the ONLY thing a real "Christian woman" WANTS is to be closer to God.

You want to know why she disses you? Re-read the above. And, if this post has offended you so that you immediately call me "judgmental", all I can say is if the shoe fits, WEAR IT.

This is why I am single by choice and choose to stay that way. I have been through the hell of having a so-called Christian man time and again who has done NOTHING to lead me toward God. I REFUSE to make that mistake again.

Monday, October 06, 2014

MLK, and Our Dream

If MLK were alive today, I wonder what he'd be doing? I bet he's rolling over in his grave right now. I bet he'd now specify what "character" means a lot more.

The first time I heard his "I have a dream" speech, I was in Mrs. Ross's fifth grade history class. I remember taking what I heard and meditating on it for days afterward. The man was a gift from God for a time of turmoil in the soul of our Country. It is so sad that after he was taken out of this world, others who should have carried the baton for him have perverted his dream...our dream.