My life Motto is:
"If you can dream it you can achieve it" - Always dare to dream, because even though it's hard for you to believe it right now, your craziest, most wonderful dreams might actually come true.
If I were one of Snow white's dwarfs, I'd be:
I don't agree with this one, but I'm
The State I should be in is
Funny, since it's full of hot, red-blooded Americans, but Texas bills itself as "a whole 'nother country". If you like big, friendly and relaxed, it's likely that this big-hearted state is just the "nother country" for you.
My Epitaph reads:
"Here I lie... under protest"
When they tried to guess my age, they said:
29. You are as frightened as a cat on 4th of July when you think about the moment you're going to turn 30. Relax, 30 is the new 20! (I'm 45)
My Hippie Name is:
Ember Raven
If I were a dog, I'd be a:
Great Dane
You're genuinely humble and that makes you stand out in a crowded room. Everyone looks up to you and you're extremely smart, but you're still approachable due to your warm demeanor. Your elegance and class can sometimes make others feel humbled, but it's never intentional. You're the Great Dane, the kind ruler of your own kingdom.
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be a:
You are very charismatic and incredibly popular. People are drawn to your energy, but you are a very difficult person to get to know. You are very active. You are usually hard at work or play. You enjoy drama, and you enjoy anything unusual or eccentric.
The color of my mind is:
Of all the mind types, yours is the most impulsive. If you think it, you do it. And you can get the bug to pursue almost any passion. Your thoughts are big and bold. Your mind has no inhibitions. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about love, your dreams, and distant places.
If I were an alcoholic beverage, I'd be:
You are glam, sophisticated and live like a celebrity. You take great care of your appearance, and can often be seen in VIP bars across town.
If I were Disney Royalty, I'd be:
Princess Jasmine!
You stand out in a crowd with a beautiful, seductive smile! Although you don’t like to break rules you feel some rules are meant to be broken especially when your heart is involved! You believe in true love and that everyone has the right to be with the one they love! You love animals and being outdoors. You love romance and an honest, good hearted man. You can be the sweetest girl in the world but someone definitely doesn’t want to get you mad. Be proud of being one of the most beautiful Princesses Disney ever set pencil to :)
A two word description of me is:
Unconditionally Loving
It's the kind of love that has no limitations. And it asks for nothing in return. You genuinely love people for who they are. For their true and honest selves. Raw and unfiltered, this magical love runs deep through you every waking moment of your life. And the people whom you give it to feel truly lucky to experience your love in their lives!
My mind-type is:
Logical Thinker
You are an incredibly analytical thinker. You are driven by facts and logic. You like to see every detail before you make a decision or solve a problem. Knowledge is power. You don't get carried away with or overwhelmed by emotions. You are able to take things one step at a time. You can't stand to be rushed when it comes to thinking. Deep cognition takes time, concentration, and quiet.
In a past life, I was Aristotle:
Once a brilliant philosopher, my thoughts about virtue must have really stuck, because the life I'm living right now is impressively righteous, showcasing some serious self-restraint. Kudos to me for fighting the good fight... But I think you might need to find someone else to party with.
I'll add more later...
